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Thread: Tenants

  1. #1
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    Hi guys, quick bit of advice please, if anyone can?

    We have a farm. We have our house and 2 further properties, both of which we rent out. One of our properties we rent to a couple of lads who are generally good lads. It's only a small property - ok for the lads, but they've started to have lots of people 'stay over' quite alot of the time. We've seen a marked increase in both water and electric costs, which we've mentioned to them, so they're aware that we keep a check on these things (for our records too when we get billed for the same). Both services are included within the rent and are stupid expensive at the moment.

    My question is this. We have updated our draft lease document to say that only so many people may actually live in the property - I understand this is a standard clause. Would it be unreasonable then to add that no other people may stay without permission? Obviously we have the usual 'do not assign or sublet' clause in there, but this goes that one step further. We really don't want to be killjoys at all and we're not unreasonable people, but when we see them hiding people in the house so we don't see that they've stayed, it's a bit annoying. Especially too when we're trying to be conscious about the energy and water we use ourselves to keep costs down on the farm.

    I've not seen such a standard clause anywhere. Does anyone else use one? We would never stop them having visitors at all, that would obviously be completely wrong, but just be reasonable about it and the amount of them that stay. We did have a friendly chat with them about it, but it seems to have gone in one ear and out the other!

    Any advice? Thank you.

  2. #2
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Only solution is prepaid water and electricity.

    Google CitiQ, Metro Prepaid, Meter Man.

    Peace out ... Derek

  3. #3
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    Hi Derek,

    Yep, we have thought about this, but the phasing is weird in this place so might be a solution for way down the line - when we have money!!

    I will definitely google those ones you suggest though.

    Have a good one


  4. #4
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    Have pasted the clause that is inserted in the lease agreement that we use
    Even if you don't exercise the right to charge now at least get it in

    11 .1. The Tenant must repay the Landlord all amounts paid by the Landlord in respect of charges (plus VAT thereon) levied by service
    providers supplying services to the Premises, including:
    11 .1.1. electricity, including basic service and network charges, meter service charges, common area charges and charges in respect of
    consumption or estimated consumption;
    11 .1.2. water, including basic service and network charges, meter service charges, common area charges and charges in respect of
    consumption or estimated consumption;
    11 .1.3. alarm system;
    11 .1.4. DSTV;
    11.1 .5.gas, sewerage, refuse removal and all utility charges, other than the levy imposed in respect of the Premises;
    11 .1.6. internet connectivity charges and data usage charges.
    11 .2. The Tenant shall pay the charges contemplated in clause 11 .1 to the Landlord/ Agent, on presentation of invoice, simultaneously with
    the payment of the Rental.
    11 .3. If the Tenant arranges for any service provider to supply a service to the Premises, the Tenant must pay the service provider directly.
    The Tenant acknowledges that the Landlord may at any time request a printout of the Tenant's account with the service provider so as
    to confirm whether the Tenant is promptly making payments to such service provider. ·
    11.4. If the Tenant does not repay the Landlord any amount which the Landlord pays in terms of clause 11 .1 or if the Landlord pays a service
    provider directly for any amount which is due and owing by the Tenant, the Landlord shall be entitled, in its discretion, to deduct such
    amount paid by the Landlord from the Deposit or to claim such amount from the Tenant.
    11 .5. Any failure by the Tenant to timeously pay any amount due by it to a service provider or to the Landlord shall constitute a Material
    Breach of this Lease Agreement.
    11 .6. If the levies, rates and I or taxes in respect of the Premises increase at any time during the subsistence of this Lease Agreement, the
    Landlord shall be entitled to increase the Rental to accommodate such increase in the levies, rates and / or taxes.
    11 . 7. Should the utility supply to the Premises not be connected to a pre-paid system, or in any other circumstances where the Landlord
    would incur liability towards the Municipality ir. question or any third party in respect of utilities utilised on the Premises, then the Tenant
    shall ensure that the correct meter readings are provided to such Municipality or relevant third party. The Tenant agrees to provide the
    Landlord, on a monthly basis with a photograph reflecting a recorded date of the relevant meter readings in respect of the Premises.
    The Tenant will be liable for any amounts due to the Municipality or third party for any incorrect charges should he fail to provide the
    Landlord with the meter readings contemplated in this clause ·11 l .

  5. #5
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derlyn View Post
    Only solution is prepaid water and electricity.

    Google CitiQ, Metro Prepaid, Meter Man.

    Peace out ... Derek
    Agreed, prepaid will make them realise the actual cost of electricity and water which is escalating all the time.
    You can contact Asante Maji on 0614700263 for a quote or go to their Facebook page. The liaison prepaid meter appears to be the most effective and robust prepaid meter at this stage. 2 year warranty vs 1 year from others.

    Another option with less capital outlay is an AUS-iot monitor to measure and record both water and electricity meters from where you can do your own billing. Asante Maji (Pty) Ltd are the local distributors.
    Excellence is not a skill; its an attitude...

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