Had to do a generator installation during the week so off I went in search of a change over switch.
At the one wholesaler they had 2 on offer, both MCE brand.
The one, 35A and the other 63A.
I enquired: Who buys a 35A change over switch ?
Answer: The guys who install small generators.
I chuckled and explained to the young lad that when the generator is not in use, the total current drawn by the installation
is still going through the switch, which on a single phase domestic installation can be up to 60A.
It took me quite a while to convince him.
Wonder how many clients have underrated change over switches as a result of incorrect advice received, but more importantly,
it seems as if there are "sparkies" out there who also don't understand this because the same lad said " these 35A units are flying off the shelves".
I bought the 63A unit and left, shaking my head in disbelief.
In my opinion, MCE should not even make a 35A change over switch mounted in an enclosure and labelled eskom .. off .. generator.
Cannot think of an installation where it would work and not be underrated.
Am I missing something ?
Peace out .. Derek
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