Kindly advise if the Municipality is allowed to weld the distribution boxes that are on the streets.
What does the law says?
Kindly advise if the Municipality is allowed to weld the distribution boxes that are on the streets.
What does the law says?
In South Africa anything is possible ... you can even tender to offer private security services to the municipality water department and make billions ... and nobody even questions it.
The question I would be asking is why are you so concerned about them welding the boxes closed ... are you loosing revenue on copper sales?
Last edited by ians; 21-Feb-21 at 02:25 PM.
Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.
Ouch....^^.... In the interest of world peace maybe a smiley emoji after that 'copper sales' comment would be appropriate....
I doubt the welding closed of marshalling or metering cabinets would be covered under any electrical regulations and if it's their property then I'd imagine they're legally entitled to weld it closed if they conducted an appropriate risk assessment first.
Hows that Andy?
Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.
Why the question in the first place ?
Municipality or anyone else for that matter are allowed to lock up their property. Not illegal at all.
How they do it is immaterial. Padlock or welding. What's the difference ? Padlock easier to break open ?
I'm sure the Municipality will come prepared with an angle grinder should THEY wish to access THEIR equipment.
Peace out .. Derek
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