Okay, I'm a kleptomaniac with limited space or actually more of a kleptomaniac who has occasional bouts of Zen. Every year or two when I start having to climb and abseil to get across my workshop(s) I have a ruthless cleanout. Usually I just amass a large pile of stuff I don't have room to keep and make a run to the scrapyard (11 bakkie runs last time to be precise).
Well that time has come again and I thought that given many people are suffering extra hardships with COVID I'd forgo the scrap money this time and I'd offer some of the items as a giveaway....pay it forward as it were..
A few rules;
- All items below are offered for free.
- I'm located in the deep South of Cape Town and I'm not offering to arrange or foot the costs of transport/courier. It's your responsibility to collect or make other transport arrangements at your expense.
- If you are the lucky recipient of an item you have one week to collect. If you request it and I'm falling over the damn thing after 7 days it will go back up on offer for someone else.
- All items offered come with no warranty or guarantee or implication that they're fit for any purpose other than scrap.
- In order not to enable fellow kleptomaniacs, one person is only entitled to claim one item unless I decide otherwise.
- I reserve the right to choose the recipient of each item regardless of who posts the first claim, this is not necessarily 'first come first served'. If possible I'd like items to go to a good cause or someone who actually has a use for the item rather than just an opportunist looking for quick profit.
- Items that haven't been requested within a week of being offered are going to be scrapped and may no longer be available.
- The rules may change at any time at my discression.
*Edit* If anyone else has items they want to give away please feel free to add them below as well.
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