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Thread: Free, Gratis, Mahala

  1. #1
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    Free, Gratis, Mahala

    Okay, I'm a kleptomaniac with limited space or actually more of a kleptomaniac who has occasional bouts of Zen. Every year or two when I start having to climb and abseil to get across my workshop(s) I have a ruthless cleanout. Usually I just amass a large pile of stuff I don't have room to keep and make a run to the scrapyard (11 bakkie runs last time to be precise).

    Well that time has come again and I thought that given many people are suffering extra hardships with COVID I'd forgo the scrap money this time and I'd offer some of the items as a it forward as it were..

    A few rules;

    • All items below are offered for free.
    • I'm located in the deep South of Cape Town and I'm not offering to arrange or foot the costs of transport/courier. It's your responsibility to collect or make other transport arrangements at your expense.
    • If you are the lucky recipient of an item you have one week to collect. If you request it and I'm falling over the damn thing after 7 days it will go back up on offer for someone else.
    • All items offered come with no warranty or guarantee or implication that they're fit for any purpose other than scrap.
    • In order not to enable fellow kleptomaniacs, one person is only entitled to claim one item unless I decide otherwise.
    • I reserve the right to choose the recipient of each item regardless of who posts the first claim, this is not necessarily 'first come first served'. If possible I'd like items to go to a good cause or someone who actually has a use for the item rather than just an opportunist looking for quick profit.
    • Items that haven't been requested within a week of being offered are going to be scrapped and may no longer be available.
    • The rules may change at any time at my discression.

    *Edit* If anyone else has items they want to give away please feel free to add them below as well.
    Last edited by AndyD; 19-Feb-21 at 12:28 AM.


  2. #2
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    I'm interested to see how this pans out so with no more ado here's the first item.

    1x 18.5 Kw motor, it's 380 Volt 3-phase, 4-pole (1440rpm) foot mount. This motor was reconditioned and new bearings about 10 years ago. It was bench tested then stored. Does it still work?? Probably but no guarantees. Price of new 18.5Kw motor is around R16K exc VAT and second hand running probably worth around R4k. Please be aware that this motor weighs around 150-170 Kilos and I'm not gonna help you load it when you collect.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Motor 1.jpg 
Views:	452 
Size:	92.7 KB 
ID:	8129

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Motor 2.jpg 
Views:	430 
Size:	73.5 KB 
ID:	8130


  3. #3
    Diamond Member
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    I see a fundamental problem with this: I bet that 99% of people will wait to see everything on offer before making a claim because they can make only one claim.

    This reminds me of the experiment with the kids and the cookies - Eat 1 now or wait three hours and get 3 (or nothing) the short game or the long game ( I think that playing the long game is better because there is no risk - you might get something for free or nothing - you don't stand to lose anything either way)

  4. Thanks given for this post:

    AndyD (12-Feb-21)

  5. #4
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    You're possibly right but anything not claimed within a week of being posted up for offer is likely to have gone to the scrapyard so waiting could be a dangerous game.... A lot of the items I have to give away are very much commercial/industrial in nature and of no use in a domestic environment so they might have limited appeal.

    Also if someone wants more to claim a second or even third item they're welcome to motivate their case and I'll consider it, I just want to make the distribution of items as fair as possible and give everyone a chance.


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    adrianh (12-Feb-21)

  7. #5
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    Okay, freebee of the day number 2.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Pump 1.jpg 
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ID:	8132

    Water pump Foras (Pentax) KB750T. This pump was reconditioned with new bearings and mechanical seal about 6 years ago and kept on our shelf as an emergency spare for a customer who has long-since closed down. It's a high volume, low pressure 5.5kW 3-phase pump that will deliver between 200 and 500 litres of water per minute at pressures between 4 and 7 Bar. Does it still work?? Don't know... no reason it shouldn't but no guarantees.

    Here's the technical info and the curves;

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Pump 2.jpg 
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ID:	8133

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Pump 3.jpg 
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ID:	8134

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Pump 4.jpg 
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ID:	8135

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Pump 5.jpg 
Views:	443 
Size:	55.3 KB 
ID:	8136


  8. #6
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    A really admireable initiative.

    Great respect for you, Brother.

    Peace out .. Derek.

  9. Thanks given for this post:

    AndyD (10-Mar-21)

  10. #7
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    Okay, this isn't going as planned, there's been zero interest so far. I'll try with a few items that are less heavy and industrial in nature and see if I can sexy-up the posts a bit to generate more interest....

    Todays little beauty is a small site distribution board. It's commonly used on building sites as a temporary supply board for contractors to plug into. All the electrical installation cool kids have one of these so don't be left out...

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1615377209988.jpg 
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ID:	8156

    It has a beautiful aluminium scissor action frame with a fibreglass enclosure containing three double sockets supplied by six premium quality 10A MCB's. It was originally constructed before earth leakage requirements were a thing but it has an external retrofit, state of the art RCD underneath in a separate enclosure. It also sports a 20 meter heavy duty, jet black neoprene trailing cable of the HO7RNF variety which is in perfect condition. Its beauty is in its combination of complex functionality cloaked in a veneer of understated simplicity and it's guaranteed to make a bold and stylish statement to any building site it might grace with its presence. Ideal for any up and coming electrical installer.


    Is it compliant with the latest regs?
    No, but it will be if you reconfigure it accordingly.

    I'm a very image conscious electrician and I'm worried what this board will say about me if I install it on-site.
    As an object d'art this board has a rare combination of balance and poise, it brings together timeless classic elements into a cutting edge aesthetic symphony that will make you the envy of all other contractors and tradesmen alike.

    I must have this distribution board, it's something I can use and it will make my life better.... how much are you selling it for?
    It's for free but you must collect or organise transport within 2 weeks.


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