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Thread: Will the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines save us? Don't be silly!!!

  1. #71
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    There are many parallels. See an informed analysis.

  2. #72
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    And finally:
    All children receive the BCG vaccine at birth in South Africa (but not in Europe and the Americas). It’s a live vaccine given to stimulate the baby’s immune system to build antibodies to protect against TB. The vaccine is protective against more severe forms of TB (like TB meningitis and TB lymph nodes) but not considered effective against Pulmonary TB. A person who’s infected (but not diseased) or has a TB contact may take a 6 month course of Isoniazid (an AntiTB drug) to prevent TB.
    Credit: Wits University and the Donald Gordon Medical Centre. See

  3. #73
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Justloadit View Post
    If there was no lock down, then the death figures would be far much higher.

    The thing with statistics, is that one can swing the numbers to suit the narrative.

    TB is a bacteria, where COVID is a virus, huge difference.

    Being near someone with TB disease when they cough, sneeze, or even talk close to your face for an extended period of time puts you at risk for infection.
    Kissing, hugging, or shaking hands with a person who has TB doesn't spread the disease.

    An interesting study on the term "Zohnerism", it plays both ways in this thread, and any reference to statistical numbers..

    Please read this short article - Bending the truth is as bad as breaking it – Zohnerism

    Please take the time to watch the above and then make an informed decision on whether there would have been many more deaths without lockdown. My informed decision is that there would not have been.

    I have taken the time to read the article about Zohnerism.
    Interesting but off topic.

    It's based on a hoax. Read the first 2 words of the second sentence. Says it all. He really went out of his way to confuse his classmates.

    I have supplied numbers from WHO. No hoax, brother. Plain language that anyone can understand.
    I am in no way bending the truth to confuse the audience.

    Asked a legitimate question and have yet to receive a reasonably legitimate answer.

    Peace out ... Derek
    Last edited by Derlyn; 19-May-21 at 09:24 PM.

  4. #74
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    There are many parallels. See an informed analysis.
    Good evening, brother.

    I have tried my best to understand what is meant by " a synergistic or antagonistic alliance ? but have failed with distinctions.

    Until this article is made available in language that an electrician can understand, I don't think that it will be understood by most of the general population.

    What I did pick up, however, is that the main transmission route of this virus ( Covid 19 ), according to this article, is through cough and sneezing by an infected person. ( Page 1 of the article )

    I would have thought that holding one's hand in front of one's mouth while coughing or sneezing would be adequate in preventing oneself from infecting someone else if you are already infected. For some or other reason, I have been wrong. I still do not know why.

    Thank you for responding brother.

    Peace out ... Derek

  5. #75
    Diamond Member Justloadit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derlyn View Post

    Please take the time to watch the above and then make an informed decision on whether there would have been many more deaths without lockdown. My informed decision is that there would not have been.
    I've already watched the video.
    As I have said before, you can swing statistics to prove your case.
    Lets just take 2 countries which did not follow lock down, namely Brazil and India.
    I suppose the number s being reported are incorrect then?
    Quote Originally Posted by LA Times
    Together, Brazil and India now have half the COVID-19 cases in the world. We speak to L.A. Times foreign correspondents David Pierson and Kate Linthicum about what the plight of these global powerhouses suggests about the spread of coronavirus around the world.

    Quote Originally Posted by Derlyn View Post
    I have taken the time to read the article about Zohnerism.
    Interesting but off topic.

    It's based on a hoax. Read the first 2 words of the second sentence. Says it all. He really went out of his way to confuse his classmates.
    It was not a hoax, it was an experiment to prove that carefully worded statements, accompanied by scientific data, will allow one to twist facts to suit a narrative.
    I am feeling that this is what is being placed on social media with respect to the pandemic and vaccines.

    Quote Originally Posted by Derlyn View Post
    Asked a legitimate question and have yet to receive a reasonably legitimate answer.
    There have been a number of replies with facts, which you merely ignore, as it may not suite your current belief.
    Could it be that we are both affected by "Zohnerism", but on opposite sides of the fence because of our beliefs?
    Victor - Knowledge is a blessing or a curse, your current circumstances make you decide!
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  6. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derlyn View Post
    Good evening, brother.

    I have tried my best to understand what is meant by " a synergistic or antagonistic alliance ? but have failed with distinctions.

    Until this article is made available in language that an electrician can understand, I don't think that it will be understood by most of the general population.

    What I did pick up, however, is that the main transmission route of this virus ( Covid 19 ), according to this article, is through cough and sneezing by an infected person. ( Page 1 of the article )

    I would have thought that holding one's hand in front of one's mouth while coughing or sneezing would be adequate in preventing oneself from infecting someone else if you are already infected. For some or other reason, I have been wrong. I still do not know why.

    Thank you for responding brother.

    Peace out ... Derek
    Actually, you previously said
    2018. TB deaths in SA 63000. No lockdown. No draconian regulations.

    2019. TB deaths in SA 64000. No lockdown. No draconian regulations.

    Come 2020 / 2021 Covid 19 deaths 55340. Lockdown, draconian regulations and emergency roll out of vaccines.

    I have a question.
    Maybe someone can enlighten me.

    Why is more attention not given to the prevention of the spread and cure of TB which, by the official number of deaths, seems to be the biggest killer of all ?

    Above stats from WHO.

    Peace out ... Derek.
    I think this statement actually gives a good part of the reason.
    All children receive the BCG vaccine at birth in South Africa (but not in Europe and the Americas). It’s a live vaccine given to stimulate the baby’s immune system to build antibodies to protect against TB. The vaccine is protective against more severe forms of TB (like TB meningitis and TB lymph nodes) but not considered effective against Pulmonary TB. A person who’s infected (but not diseased) or has a TB contact may take a 6 month course of Isoniazid (an AntiTB drug) to prevent TB.
    Also, you must remember that the COVID 19 fatalities are despite the draconian measures that have not accompanied any other calamity. You yourself said they are draconian.

  7. #77
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    A 48 year old client has just been discharged from hospital. He spent 16 days in ICU and 3 days in normal hospital, and lost 15 kg. He very nearly died. His wife has recovered and so too his one son without going to hospital.

    His view of COVID 19 has changed and he desperately fears it.

  8. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    A 48 year old client has just been discharged from hospital. He spent 16 days in ICU and 3 days in normal hospital, and lost 15 kg. He very nearly died. His wife has recovered and so too his one son without going to hospital.

    His view of COVID 19 has changed and he desperately fears it.
    My wife, who works in the UK had the second Astra Zeneca vaccine Monday past. She is a carer looking after the elderly and all the patients and staff have to be vaccinated. She says she feels fine. She still can't travel to SA because of our poor vaccination status. She's been stuck in the UK for 15 months now.

  9. #79
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    I keep reading these threads and shaking my head in bewilderment

    Maybe we need to refer to Covid just as a sickness that nobody really understands .

    I have seen this sickness create chaos first hand and what ever it is there are bodies lying in hospital passageways every time this wave of sickness appears .

    The 1st Eye opener
    We did installation of extra oxygen tanks in 5 rural areas in the Eastern Cape up as far as Libode in November/December
    When we went round the first time to install cables and get ready for the arrival of the tanks there was just the normal movement expected around the hospitals.
    When we returned 3 weeks later for final commissioning and hand over at the one hospital even the maintenance workshop was turned into a sickness ward and the rest were bulging at the seams with refrigerated containers outside and a queue of bodies being wheeled out to them. Queues of funeral home cars collecting bodies .
    Within a 3 week period it was a totally different place.

    The 2nd Eye opener
    My sister was admitted to hospital for complications that had nothing to do with the sickness and was tested for the sickness but tested negative.
    She was put into a private ward due to her condition and the specialists took control.
    She needed a ventilator but unfortunately there were none available because people with the sickness were using them all and none were free but the promise was made to get her the next available.
    The next day the specialist wanted her moved to ICU but unfortunately there were no spare beds available because people with the sickness were occupying them all.
    The Sunday afternoon we were all allowed to visit in shifts and with hindsight we should have seen it coming , she was peaceful , content with the Christmas holiday she had spent with the kids. In between family members taking turns and passing each other in the passageway she was gone from this world after 51 years.

    If that ICU bed had been available the machines would have screamed and maybe she would still be here.

    The sickness she did not have but the unfortunate timing of being admitted to hospital at a time when the sickness arrived on a wave was the last straw.

    Anybody disputing that there is a sickness going around has not been close to a hospital when the waves arrive.
    Last edited by GCE; 21-May-21 at 05:09 AM.

  10. #80
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    The "sickness" is real ... for us ... lockdown started as a good excuse for a holiday ( I had been working non stop ) it was a good break.

    Until December 2020 ... it was just like any other day ... heard of people getitng sick ... had a a couple friends who got sick ...but recovered ... one person got it really bad ... it took 21 days before he started feeling better ... chatted to him yesterday ... he said he has been experiencing strange illnesses and still not feeling 100 %.

    Then in December 2020 ... it started ... in some places as many as 80 % of staff were off "sick" ... still nobody close to us had died ... then it started ... my wifes boss got sick and passed away 3 weeks later ... the following day another friend passed away ... family members were being admitted to hospital ... people were lined up in wheel chairs in the passages ... waiting for a bed ... a friend lost his mother and father and by that stage messages were popping up on groups ... neighbours were loosing family members ... by the end of Jan 2021 ... it seemed the wave had finished.

    What is coming ... nobody knows ... how will you handle it ... lets hope it doesnt break you or your finacial situation.

    How you protect yourself and people around you ... that is up to you ... we might think we are as tough as nails ... but unfortuntely not everyone is ... so at a time like this ... just have a little consideration for others.

    Lets hope we are not heading for another December/Jan.

    Looking at the ques outside the post office and unemployment buildings ... how relaxed people have become ... this sickness will spread like wild fire again.

    A word of advice ... get your shyte in order ... you dont want to leave loved ones with a mess they have to sort through ... make sure your will is up to date ... policies ... passwords and all that kind of stuff is availbe for them to access.
    Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.

  11. Thank given for this post:

    Blurock (20-May-21)

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