Sorry this is probably a really easy one for those that know.
Wired up my paradox alarm 5050 with zone extender and TM 70 keypad.
When i switch on I am able enter master programming and installation programming no problem.
If I leave it a while and go back and enter the same codes that worked just after power up - Access denied.
Am I being dumb? I can't believe I have to switch off everything to re-enter the master code or installer code.
I also have the Olarm thing and set it up and works ok but it always says "zones open force arm"
They are not open there are out door passives and I'd be very surprised if all were open just as I let the alarm.
On the outdoor wired sensors I did as per the book Z1 on panel to COM of tamper from N.C. of tamper to common of alarm out put via 1kohm resistor and out of N.C. to common on the panel. (so tamper is closed and alarm trigger is closed)
The alarm works but I can't believe I have to switch off and restart when ever I want to change anything in master of installer mode and it can't be normal to have to force arm if it shows my out door sensors are open
I swear its going to be something stupid.....
Give a control panel in an industriual factory for any machine and I can usually work it out but I really hate gate motors, door entry and alarm panels (fire alarm panels i can live with).
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