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We use clause , pasted below in similar circumstances to what you describe above.
If the twin and earth or cabtyre is clipped and made to look part of the installation , then it is part of the installation and needs to comply.
We would use 2,5sqmm and connect it to the plug circuit and not through a plug top. The wiring between different parts of a fixed appliance that are
installed separately is part of the fixed installation, even where it is supplied
from a socket-outlet, unless such wiring is less than 3 m in length.
Such wiring shall be protected by separate overload protection unless its
current-carrying capacity is such that the circuit protection of the socketoutlet
circuit will provide protection or that part of the appliance has built-in
thermal overload protection.
NOTE Where the length of wiring exceeds 3 m, the impedance and the functioning of
the protective devices need to be considered to satisfy the overcurrent protection
requirements in this part of SANS 10142.
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