So I build a house ...
I get plans through the correct channels ... use legit contracotors.
Get a registered electrical company in to do the electrical work who should be installing SABS approved products.
A legit COC is provided ... and copy sent to the insurance company ... and we live happily ever after.
Something goes wrong with a product the registered electrician installed ... a light fitting which is purchased from the wholsaler ( but doesnt have SABS approval ... but does have other stamps of approval) ... will the insurance company cover the repairs?
YOu decide to go online and buy a product on bangood and get a registered electrician to replace the exisitng fitting which doesnt have SABS approval with the product from bangood which has UL certification only ... and the kitchen burns to the ground ... will the insiurance cover the damages or will you as the contracotr be liable for the costs?
I am in this position right now ... a customer would like to buy products on line to turn his house into a smart home ... as a registered person and a registered electrical company ... my job is to provide all the wiring required to the various locations ... like neutrals to the switch points ... upgrade the DB to accomadate the smart devices (relays etc) ... the plan is to provide all the wiring etc ... and the customer will fit the components.
In fact I have had 2 requests this week for the same type of setup.
People want smart homes ...using DIY products.
I sign off the wiring and take pics and walk away.
Is it time for new amendments?
The question is ... all this DIY smart equipment being installed ... how do you verify certification and compliance with the electrical codes.
Are insurance companies offering cover for all these "DIY" products being purchased and installed all over the world ... not just SA?
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