You can hear this guy has been around the block a few times ... you are a tradesman thinking it is time to make a ton of cash ... some worthy advice![]()
You can hear this guy has been around the block a few times ... you are a tradesman thinking it is time to make a ton of cash ... some worthy advice![]()
Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.
Justloadit (30-Nov-20)
Cemented my thoughts
Was thinking like this already some time back, but had not quite put it into 5 points.
Victor - Knowledge is a blessing or a curse, your current circumstances make you decide!
Solar pumping, Solar Geyser & Solar Security lighting solutions -
This is what is missing in this country ... old people offering young people advice and sharing knowledge ... we didnt get old and wise being a smart a$$ ... it has taken years of scrafice ... long hours and getting my hands dirty to get to where I am today ... it is a pity my son didnt want to follow in my footsteps ... he is creating his own journey and doing a good job of it ... I can see the little time he has spent with me is showing in his quality of workmanship.
The guy in the video is just like many of us old folk who have worked our whole life ... you can see it in our hands.
Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.
What I have noticed, is that in our new society of "Instant Gratification", the youngsters don't want to wait to get to the finish line. They expect to start and be there as quick as a twitter feed post.
They want to get the BMW on the first order.
Victor - Knowledge is a blessing or a curse, your current circumstances make you decide!
Solar pumping, Solar Geyser & Solar Security lighting solutions -
I did when i started out ... wanted the rep job so that I could spend the day at the beach surfing/modelling with the loose women.
I eventual got the dream job ... working on the beachfront ... had the pass to drive on the beach the works ... then realised it was the worse place to work ... the humidity ... the wind on bad days ... and then the women with the white bikini who had to cool down every half hour in the shower ... what a kak life![]()
Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.
There are a couple of things to think about:
1. Watch Mike Rowe's series called "Dirty Jobs - He has a lot to say about the things that really make money. Mike also has a couple of talks on these issues worth watching.
2. Education Inflation - There are too few jobs to go around so Education Inflation occurs - more and more people get educations that are not particularly useful in real life but companies use the level of education as a measure to sift people. Many people are over educated in idiotic fields purely due to this phenomena and expect fat salaries. Education is only valuable if what is taught can be used in the real world.
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