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Thread: The success of the Chinese epidemicCOVID-19

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    The success of the Chinese epidemicCOVID-19

    The success of the Chinese epidemic is not only because China has always been an important participant and contributor to the global health cause, but also because fighting the epidemic is relevant to every country. We believe that relying on the masses of the people, relying on institutional advantages, scientific prevention, and precise implementation of policies, China is fully capable of winning this epidemic prevention and control battle.
    China had a large number of tourists on October 1 this year, which shows that China has done a very good job in controlling the epidemic situation in the early stage

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Looking at the COVID-19 stats for China, there is little doubt that the country has done an incredible job of getting and keeping the pandemic under control. I see there is still a nagging low infection rate though that just doesn't seem to go away.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be critical of China's effort in raising the point - but we know the big numbers start with small ones first. So anything above zero shouldn't really be ignored.

    So this nagging issue does beg the question - Has the reason (or reasons) for this continued low level infection rate been identified?

    EDIT: To emphasise the risk that even a low infection rate can pose, take a look at Spain's second wave - which came off a base of 200 or so infections a day for quite a while...

  3. #3
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    From what i see on a daily basis ... it seems people are over the pandemic hype ... if people were not forced to wear masks ... I doubt there would be many using them.

    Look at the protests on the 16th ... a few people took precaution ... but when your leader is on the stage singing and dancing without a mask ... showing the authorities the middle finger why wold you bother taking precautions.

    The few people I now who were tested positive ... suffered from what seems like a really bad cold ... a few days later recovered and are back to normal ... one good thing came of this virus ... nobody got the flu this year

    It is just sad when you see all that money wasted on preparations for the virus and now the beds are just collecting dust ... they are even running ads on the radio to request that people use the facilities if they are tested posisitve ... yeah right ... tell us another joke.

    Walk into a shop ... pick up the spray bottle hundreds of other people have touched ... then pick up a pen used by hundreds of other people and share your contact details with everyone (more f%^& spam) ... then pick up and put down ites in a store which have been touched by a list of people prior to being loaded on the shelf ... sorry I dont buy it.

    When entering buildings ... I get a security guard requesting I fill out the form on a clipboard ... I tell them I have the virus and therefore cannot touch the clipboard and they will get infected ... they go ok ... and let me in ... really .. .yes really
    Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.

  4. #4
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    Looks to me that Covid-19 is a truly 1st world problem (...or a pure stupidity problem) . It can't be genetic because all races seem to be affected similarly in 1st word countries. I don't believe that the only issue is whether people wear masks or not.

    I read that TB vaccinations have a great positive impact on the situation and that some countries might use TB vaccinations as a stop gap measure.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by ians View Post
    From what i see on a daily basis ... it seems people are over the pandemic hype ... if people were not forced to wear masks ... I doubt there would be many using them.

    Look at the protests on the 16th ... a few people took precaution ... but when your leader is on the stage singing and dancing without a mask ... showing the authorities the middle finger why wold you bother taking precautions.

    The few people I now who were tested positive ... suffered from what seems like a really bad cold ... a few days later recovered and are back to normal ... one good thing came of this virus ... nobody got the flu this year

    It is just sad when you see all that money wasted on preparations for the virus and now the beds are just collecting dust ... they are even running ads on the radio to request that people use the facilities if they are tested posisitve ... yeah right ... tell us another joke.

    Walk into a shop ... pick up the spray bottle hundreds of other people have touched ... then pick up a pen used by hundreds of other people and share your contact details with everyone (more f%^& spam) ... then pick up and put down ites in a store which have been touched by a list of people prior to being loaded on the shelf ... sorry I dont buy it.

    When entering buildings ... I get a security guard requesting I fill out the form on a clipboard ... I tell them I have the virus and therefore cannot touch the clipboard and they will get infected ... they go ok ... and let me in ... really .. .yes really
    ...The next person that puts an ear thermometer on my forehead is going to have to extract it from their butt with pliers....I hate all the sticky stuff they spray on my hands - I wear gloves when I go out. We went to H&M a while back and the alcohol in their spray took all the ink off the Telkom bag....I ended having my hands covered in blue ink. I pointed this out to the manager and she said it is not is their cleaning company...WELL YOU PAY THEM TO DO IT.

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    I have a small bottle of water I spray on my hands if people insist I clean my hands ... you wanna see what is in my bottle ... you show me the technical data sheet for the product you want to use on my hands and I will show you mine ... unless you can show me that the product you want me to spray on my hands is legit and approved by some testing authority ... you arn't spraying shyte on my hands.

    Have you smelt some of the liquids they use to spray on your hands ... are random samples being taken from bottles used in public places like shopping centres ... is any reserch being donon the affect of alcohol content in the hand wash ... lets say I wash my hands 20 times in 2 hours ... how much is absorbed into my body and what effect does it have on me are all the contents in the bottle approved.

    Just too many questions as the sheep are led blindly
    Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
    ...The next person that puts an ear thermometer on my forehead is going to have to extract it from their butt with pliers....I hate all the sticky stuff they spray on my hands - I wear gloves when I go out. We went to H&M a while back and the alcohol in their spray took all the ink off the Telkom bag....I ended having my hands covered in blue ink. I pointed this out to the manager and she said it is not is their cleaning company...WELL YOU PAY THEM TO DO IT.

    I put my hand out ... the whole idea is social distancing ... 'STAY AT HOME BLAH BLAH BLAH" ... people keep thier distance etc etc ... now you have a person leaning into your space with his mask only covering his mouth ... because it is more comfortable ... no thank you ... lets not even go into card machines and paying cash.

    I get pulled over for not wearing my seat belt ... I remove my keys and take my phone out and film the officer standing less that a meter away from my window without a mask on ... the question i ask him ... the fine apprently isR3000 for not wearing a mask ...not wearing your seat belt R300 ... I refuse to sign the fine ...a warrent of arrest is issued ... I go to court and the case is thrown out.
    Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.

  8. #8
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    I was served at a local hardware shop the other day. The card machine was actually black and to top it the teller had cuts that he covered using masking tape. I went off at him about the card machine and the masking tape. He just ignored me and carried on chatting to his buddy. Some people simply have no class....

    ATMs are an even bigger problem - I've NEVER seen anybody clean an ATM (covid or no covid) Using an ATM is like sticking your hand in a toilet. Our local cafe has a couple of ATMs outside and the place always smells like a urinal.

  9. #9
    Email problem
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    I think China's epidemic prevention work is very successful, at least much better than most western countries

  10. #10
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    agree with you

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