Well I've been looking for things to keep me occupied whilst I spend my third 2 week stretch at home in quarantine since March this year when I caught a glimpse of the last piece of test equipment I bought. There's a story behind the purchase which I'll share with you, well I've got nothing better to do for the next 8 days so here goes.
I was in the third wholesalers on that particular afternoon looking for a pair of silicone test leads to replace the worn ones on my Kyoritsu clamp meter, it was the third time I'd struck out. I had no idea that three national wholesalers wouldn't have stock of something so basic. I was done driving around in hope and requested they please order the damn things, I also gave them fair warning I wanted decent silicone CATIII leads, not the no-name crap they usually peddled. They quoted R1800.00 for a pair of genuine Fluke leads which was way overpriced, even the salesman thought it was a computer error and I was just about to leave when he said 'Jesus, you can buy three complete RMS clamp meters for that price'. I told him that I doubted you'll find a true RMS clamp tester that cheap but sure enough, he disappeared into the retail section and came back clutching a box. Less than a minute on his computer he said the words I'll never forget.... 'four fifty'. After catching my breath I asked him if that was the time or the price, 'the price' he replied 'including VAT' as he pushed it across the counter towards me already knowing deep inside himself it was as good as sold. I politely enquired how the f@%k could anyone be selling a CATIII 600v 600Amp true RMS clamp tester for under five hundred bucks but alas, he didn't immediately have a definative answer to hand.
Needless to say I bought it.....yeah, yeah I know what you're thinking but c'mon, for the love of all things holy, it would have been rude not to at that price.
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