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Thread: Coronavirus: record ethnicity on all death certificates to start building a clearer picture

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    Coronavirus: record ethnicity on all death certificates to start building a clearer picture

    ALA STANFORD IS a doctor, but right now her office is a parking lot, a street corner, the sidewalk outside of a Philadelphia Baptist church. Stanford leads a mobile unit of doctors who are bringing free Covid-19 testing to the neighborhoods in Philadelphia that are being hit hardest by the virus: underserved black communities. Across the United States, black Americans are contracting and dying of Covid-19 at wildly disproportionate rates, and in some areas, they aren’t being tested for the virus nearly as frequently as their white peers, either.
    Stanford and her cohort, who call themselves the Black Doctors Covid-19 Consortium, are dedicated to combating the much discussed but poorly addressed crisis where it lives, armed only with nasal swabs, educational materials, and personal protective equipment. They’re able to pay for those necessities because this week they successfully raised more than $100,000 on GoFundMe. Money for lifesaving medical treatment during a pandemic is coming not from government coffers but from the whims and wallets of the internet.
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found that several racial minority groups account for a disproportionate number of the Covid-19 cases and fatalities in the United States, but the black community in particular is suffering. In Wisconsin, a state that is only 6 percent black, black people account for about half of its Covid-19 deaths. In Chicago, black people account for 70 percent of deaths due to Covid-19 but make up only 30 percent of its population. In Richmond, Virginia, all but one of the people who have died of Covid-19 were black. “I’ll tell you the first thing I said when I saw the disparities in fatality rates,” says Louis Penner, a professor emeritus at Wayne State University who studies racial disparities in health care. “I said, ‘People are surprised?’”
    Anybody who is paying attention knows that the gulf between the health statistics of white and black Americans has existed for decades, or, really, centuries. Covid-19 is just the latest manifestation of an old and ugly trend. The explanation for it is at once simple—racism—and incredibly complex. Structural inequalities have kept black Americans significantly poorer than their white counterparts, and economic disparity creates health disparities, especially during a pandemic. Black people (and other minority populations) tend to live in more polluted, more densely populated areas, have more people per household, and are overrepresented in settings where people are unable to effectively social distance, like prisons and homeless shelters. They disproportionately work jobs currently considered essential, yet also are far less likely to have paid sick leave, enough savings to take time off, or a grocery store nearby enough to stock up easily.

    Many of these factors, from living in food deserts to lacking health insurance, add up to mean that black communities also suffer at higher rates from acute and chronic medical conditions. “My colleagues knew this was going to be an issue months ago, as soon as we started hearing that preexisting conditions like obesity, diabetes, chronic pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases are all risk factors for dying of Covid-19,” Penner says.

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    Coronavirus: record ethnicity on all death certificates to start building a clearer picture

    If one thing is clear by now from the coronavirus pandemic, it is that the disease does not affect everyone equally.

    Analysis from the Office for National Statistics starkly outlines that those living in areas with high levels of deprivation are being most heavily impacted. There have been 55 deaths for every 100,000 people in the poorest parts of England, compared with 25 in the wealthiest areas.

    There is also mounting evidence that black, Asian and minority ethnic communities are being disproportionately affected by the virus. Black men are more than four times more likely to die from COVID-19 than their white counterparts. Likewise, non-white patients with COVID-19 have been shown to make up more than 34% of those in intensive care.

    These figures are truly shocking, and have led to the announcement of an official inquiry, to be headed by NHS England and Public Health England, into the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
    Such figures also make clear the need for data that is disaggregated – separated out into categories – by protected characteristics such as ethnicity, disability, age and gender.

    As the outbreak has progressed, there has been growing recognition of this from the government and in mid-April, Public Health England announced it was to start recording COVID-19 cases and deaths in hospitals by ethnicity.

    But we are still not doing enough. Only by adding ethnicity onto all death certificates will we be able to establish a complete picture of the impact on those from black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds.

    Governing with our hands tied
    There’s another pressing problem: the fact that we didn’t collect this data in the past makes it even harder to come up with a policy response to the crisis today. Even as we begin disaggregating data now, we suffer from the problem of not being able to compare it to data before the pandemic began.

    Not having access to this fine-tuned data means government officials are forced to operate with one hand tied behind their back in formulating health and social policies in response to COVID-19.

  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I find this recent interest from out of China in the ethnicity profile of COVID-19 in the USA, and now UK, absolutely fascinating.

    Why is this so interesting to China?
    Why the obsession?

    I'm curious too - It seems you are suggesting all statistics should include racial/ethnicity analysis?
    Is this just for the United Kingdom and USA, or everywhere in the world?

    Let's talk about where you are from, China.
    How much is ethnicity an issue in China?
    Do you differentiate how you respond in any given situation based on the ethnicity of the person?

    Please, inform us.

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    The United States is a hegemonic country. Trump and the White House government are irresponsible. The New Crown Pneumonia epidemic has killed many people and is still accusing China and other countries.

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    Video Shows Georgia Police Officer Holding 5 Black Teenagers at Gunpoint

    video emerged on social media Monday afternoon of a Clayton County police officer pulling a gun on five black teenagers in Georgia as multiple bystanders plead him to stop.

    In the Instagram clip, the teens can be seen standing on the front yard of a house with their hands in the air as the officer holds them at gun point for several minutes.

    A woman recording can be heard telling the officer "please sir, they're kids" and asking him why he has a gun, to which the officer says, "because I'm being safe."

    Other members of the community are heard off camera pleading "don't shoot" and asking him to put the gun away.

    The officer puts down his gun when other officers from the Clayton County Police Department arrive on the scene and the officers begin patting the teens down. The teens are later let go as more police cars are shown arriving, including a Clayton County Sheriff's Office patrol car.

    It is unclear why the teens were initially stopped or why they were being held at gunpoint.

    According to CBS46's Shon Gables, eyewitnesses said the teens had been "shadow boxing" near a convenience store when the police officer stopped them.

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    Editorial: Atlanta police killed a Black man for being drunk at Wendy’s

    The fatal and thoroughly needless police shooting of Rayshard Brooks late Friday in a Wendy’s parking in Atlanta makes it harder to counter the growing “Defund the Police” movement, which argues not for reform but for largely replacing armed law enforcement.

    In fact, we will continue to need police, and because of that we have to keep demanding better police hiring, training, tactics, standards and measures of accountability. Improvements in policing and in the laws that govern police have produced a more professional and more responsible law enforcement and officers who commit fewer acts of excessive force, despite a rough average of 1,000 killings by police each year in the U.S. But the defunders make a compelling point. How many people like Brooks or George Floyd or Breonna Taylor or Ezell Ford must die while we await sufficient improvements in police behavior?

    Brooks was a 27-year-old Black father of four who fell asleep in his car at a Wendy’s drive-through. Officers arrived and asked him to move to a parking space, which he did. Perhaps that could have been the end of it, although it appeared that Brooks was intoxicated. Letting him sleep it off in his parked car might have been fine, but letting him drive home would not — and the officers could not know if he would attempt to drive home once they left. Could they have offered to call his family? Could they have offered to drive him home themselves? Police might well argue that that’s not their job. Police critics might well agree.

    So they did the traditional police job — they administered a sobriety check, which Brooks failed, and they attempted to handcuff him. Authorities say he resisted, took an officer’s Taser and began to run, and one of the officers shot him in the back.
    It was Friday, the day before his eldest daughter’s 8th birthday. Her cousin described her wearing her birthday dress on Saturday, waiting for her father to take her skating.

    Shake Shack reported a net loss in its first earnings report since its IPO.

    Poisoned milkshakes? No free sandwiches? Police persecution complex is real — and it’s dangerous

    June 16, 2020

    First, do no harm. That ancient ethical principle for physicians ought to apply equally to police, whom citizens employ not to rule over them but to protect them. As a society, we have a duty to resolve noncriminal problems without escalating them. Being drunk and asleep in a drive-through lane is not a capital offense.

    A broad reimagining of public safety might mean dispatching somebody other than an armed, uniformed police officer when a man asleep in his car is holding up fast-food orders. Might it be some health or community service official who would have no problem calling the man’s family or driving him home, and then following up the next day to check on his condition? Perhaps on Saturday such a person would have been invited in for a joyous party and a slice of birthday cake. If he was driving while intoxicated — and remember, the only time Brooks was arguably seen driving drunk was when he followed police instructions to move his car — there would still be room for follow-up remedial action, including prosecution if appropriate.

    The defund movement argues that no police officer could perform such a task, because anyone with a weapon and the state-sanctioned power over others that it represents will eventually use it. Police are sometimes needed to keep the peace, and not just to respond to crime, but it’s fair to ask why police involvement so often means that someone’s going to jail — or someone’s going to die — when a different outcome was possible. It’s fair to ask why police budgets in Los Angeles and many other cities have increased as crime has declined.

    The defund movement claims that reform has been tried and has failed, but in fact in most jurisdictions reform — those changes in law and procedure that aim to change police behavior — has not gone much further than the talk stage. Leaders who in the past have been sluggish on reform should finally adopt higher standards of police conduct. Such action is not at all at odds with developing alternatives to incarceration, prosecution — and policing.

  7. #7
    Diamond Member
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    Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.

  8. #8
    Diamond Member
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    Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.

  9. #9
    Diamond Member
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    If we are gona go this route let us know...

    There istons of info on farm killings ...whit p eople being beaten by black people ... black cops killing black crimminals ...whit ecops killing white crimminals ... we can turn this forum into a real racial nightmare.

    It friday ...the start to the weekend ...we all know China is fueling the black on white conflict ... lets clean up this forum and move on.
    Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.

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    Blurock (19-Jun-20)

  11. #10
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yndq View Post
    The United States is a hegemonic country. Trump and the White House government are irresponsible. The New Crown Pneumonia epidemic has killed many people and is still accusing China and other countries.
    So this is why you in China feel justified in posting about USA pain points on a South African website?

    Don't you think this is abuse of the social media platform?
    Do you feel it is OK for the USA to do the same and post disinformation and inflammatory content about China?

    Quote Originally Posted by ians View Post
    It friday ...the start to the weekend ...we all know China is fueling the black on white conflict ... lets clean up this forum and move on.
    I've consolidated this particular sequence into one thread. I agree it's a problem and it has got to a point where it needs to be exposed. I am trying to do so as "tidily" as possible.

  12. Thanks given for this post:

    Blurock (19-Jun-20)

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