We extended the veggie garden ...most important thing right now...a food source...we bought lots of seed... compost and stuff...already starting to show...the older part of the veggie garden is already a food source.

We have also been busy building an 8 X 6 wooden deck...day 3 we completed the top and started the sides ...but run out of wood.

I am busy sorting out all the tools and equipment ...giving them a good clean and checking what is missing and finding stuff i thought was had got lost

Working on an X64 alarm system... and upgrading the CCTV ...trying to figue out how to link the CCTV to the X64 (new tech released with the new app) ..unfortunately when it comes to backup and training ...i cant give IDS much credit...they release new tech but no how to video or instruction manual etc

We have a routine in place to make sure everyone does their bit... ie washing dishes ...cleaning floors ...making beds etc ...so all the chores are done first in the morning and before we go to bed.

I am running out of time only 2 weeks left and still have way too much to finish.