Good evening,
I transferred R10,000 from our Nedbank account to our FNB account in February. The statements for each bank account were downloaded and their respective cashbooks done. The "transfer transaction", which appears in both the FNB and Nedbank statement, got duplicated in Pastel. Now, my Nedbank cashbook balance is R10,000 less than what it should be and my FNB cashbook balanace is R10,000 more than what it should be because of this duplication.
I (think) I need to delete/cancel out the yellow transactions as shown in this FULLSIZE screenshot. As this happened in February... I need to do the fix both in our current company (FY21) as well as re-open our FY20 company and do it there. Could anyone please explain step-by-step the best way to go about this?
Many thanks and I can't believe I got myself into the frying pan again,
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