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Thread: COVID-19 The responsible SA Business Response

  1. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derlyn View Post
    Unless you have a contract with a supermarket ( they are about the only one's making money at the moment ) I'm afraid we are in for a very tough time.
    No they are not ...all doctors...nurses ...police...sandf... ministers (taking their R 14 000.00 per/m with a smile) supplying stores...the list is endless.. even the gangs in the cape have figured out a way to distribute products to the community.

    For us privileged people who live in our Truman bubble is great... I just wish i had less assets and more liquid cash... i could do this for months ...wake up everyday after 8 am ...have breakfast ...lunch ...dinner and early evening cocktails on the deck ... do odd jobs around the house... when it gets hot ...the aircon goes on ...and it is movie time... then thanks for unlimited...uncapped ...with no FUP talk time ...we call family around the world for a family chat... then i make a point of calling old friends who i havent chatted to for a while... we gona need all those people ... i have even started taking an afternoon siesta

    Tough times ...what tough times ... sleeping in a hole I dug ever night for months while in Angola... not even those were tough times ...just a little more uncomfortable than my bed... I went 28 days without bath ...with only 4 litres of water per day ...sound like a lot but when you have to use the water to drink (in crazy hot temperatures) ...mix with your food ...brush your teeth and bath in it doesnt go far... what is the worse thing that could happen you have to sell everything and have to rent duplex or a flat... that could be tough
    Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.

  2. #92
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    We will speak again after this lockdown is lifted.

    I ain't no flip flopper.

    Business is gonna be tough.

    I was also in the army. 1230 days.

    Cheers & peace out ... Derek

    Copied from another forum. Let it sink in.

    I think the thing most people don’t understand is that the lock down is in place to slow the progression of the disease, NOT to eradicate it by end of may.

    I think people are missing the point because they naively think the govt will somehow get rid of it so life goes back to normal. These are people who have ignored the global reality since January. This is the dangerous delusional thinking that Johnny, Themba and Susan come lately’s are applying in their assessment of the situation when advocating we should stop the lockdown because they are literally only waking up to this thing now, or when we were initially shut down. So let’s lift the curtain a bit.

    1. Flattening the curve means slowing down the disease so that hospitals can cope with the sick. It does not mean eradicating the disease all together.

    2. No government will be able to eradicate the disease this year. It’s here until a cure or a vaccine is found

    3. A vaccine is at least a year away. That’s April 2021. The earliest vaccine trials just started late last month. It takes 18 to 24 months to make, test and assess the efficacy of a vaccine. So 1 year is literally a Hail Mary.

    4. There is NO going back to normal. Your normal will not exist for at least a year. Economies globally will keep bleeding and we are likely to have rolling lockdowns until a vaccine is found.

    5. Even when the ban is lifted, tourism and hospitality industry, and many others will not see an increase in business for at least a year. Until a vaccine is found people will continue to self isolate even when a lock down is lifted.

    6. The only reprieve we are going to get is if we have thousands of people who have been infected and recovered and minimum deaths so that we have some level of herd immunity. That is also still a theory that is yet to be proven because some countries think they may be seeing people get reinfected. Even with that in place normal is not feasible because fear still reigns and people will remain isolated until safety is guaranteed- cure or vaccine. Refer to point 3.

    7. The above is still 6 months away. We are projected to reach our peak in September. That means, bleeding economy, rolling lockdowns, death and chaos until then.

    8. The decisions made in the lockdown like no alcohol and no dog walking or running and no e-commerce are not made with the privileged in mind. They are made with the masses in mind. What you allow in the suburbs you must allow in the townships and those two things look very different in execution.

    Now our government is doing the best it can and they have reacted faster than most developed countries. Our progress is still better than most and right now we’re riding the dumb hope that somehow BCG gives us some fighting chance (still unproven).

    So please please we all need to do whatever we can to help our neighbors, help each other, support our government and stop having delusional ideas about any level of normalcy at the end of this month. Adjust your projections and hunker down.

    This is not a Joke and the shit is not even anywhere near any semblance of real yet.

    Normal is dead. Let that sink in. But hope is very much alive!
    Last edited by Derlyn; 14-Apr-20 at 02:17 PM.

  3. #93
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    By the way ...there is going to be some change from tomorrow... i need to do something about my waist line...i cant see my toe nails anymore... i need to cut back on all my wife and daughters fantastic cooking... and with the easter bunny dumping a bag of eggs ...its easter eggs and chocolate for breakfast ... hot cross buns out the oven for morning and afternoon tea and chocolate brownies for desert
    Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.

  4. #94
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    fact or fiction ?

    People say its communist China ...yet since 2014 name keeps popping up all the times ...warning of this virus and stated during an interview where is is investing all his money... to serve humanity
    Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.

  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by ians View Post
    fact or fiction ?

    People say its communist China ...yet since 2014 name keeps popping up all the times ...warning of this virus and stated during an interview where is is investing all his money... to serve humanity
    Very interesting but this only holds true if the vaccine is developed and patented by greedy Big Pharma. Lets hope somebody else gets there 1st.

  6. #96
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    hello.Im looking for a company that need some trucks,i have some trucks 34ton side tipper.thanks

  7. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris72 View Post
    hello.Im looking for a company that need some trucks,i have some trucks 34ton side tipper.thanks
    eish...there is always that one guy....

  8. #98
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Paranoia is setting in, guys.

    Was called out to an electrical fault in a townhouse complex this morning.
    On arrival, I was requested to remove my shoes before entering.

    I politely declined and requested that they rather get someone else who will be prepared to work on a DB barefooted.

    Like I said. It ain't gonna be easy.

    Cheers and peace out ... Derek

  9. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derlyn View Post
    Paranoia is setting in, guys.

    Was called out to an electrical fault in a townhouse complex this morning.
    On arrival, I was requested to remove my shoes before entering.

    I politely declined and requested that they rather get someone else who will be prepared to work on a DB barefooted.

    Like I said. It ain't gonna be easy.

    Cheers and peace out ... Derek
    How do electricians do it in countries like Japan where nobody wears shoes inside?

  10. #100
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
    How do electricians do it in countries like Japan where nobody wears shoes inside?
    Don't know. Maybe they've got a different type of electricity there where pliers and screwdrivers also don't need to be insulated.
    Unfortunately, our type of electricity doesn't work like that.

    Besides .... I might pick up some or other virus from the floor. ( Just to add to the paranoia )

    Cheers and peace out ... Derek.

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