We have tried everything we know but are unable to do our year end. We keep getting a Run Time Error 70. Does anyone know how we can get past this problem?
We have tried everything we know but are unable to do our year end. We keep getting a Run Time Error 70. Does anyone know how we can get past this problem?
It sounds like there is a permissions problem somewhere on your system.
Please have a look at the attached troubleshooting guide.
Neville Bailey - Sage Pastel Accounting Consultant
IronTree Online Solutions
"Give every person more in use value than you take from them in cash value."
Only thing we did not know how to check was the windows administrator.
as soon as we can use the server again we'll try the administrator part
The server shows as administrator
What now?
Look at this:
Sorry - jumping in without going through all the documentation. At what stage are you getting the Runtime 70? Is it when you start year end, then select make a copy company, then the system starts to copy the data and you get the error?
If so... things to try:
Make sure all users out of Pastel. Browse in widows explorer to Pastel on server. Copy COMPANY to server and rename folder to COMP2020 (or whatever naming conventions you use). Open Pastel - in the open company block - select manage and add the COMP2020 database. Open it and check that it is the correct 2020 database before year end. If so, open COMPANY again, run the year end process - when the option comes up to copy company - select do not create a copy, and let the year end run.
Let us know if that solves your problem.
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