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Thread: Introduction in Business Management

  1. #1
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    Introduction in Business Management

    Hello everyone. I'm new to the forum. I'm a student and was wondering if there is anyone that can assist me with questions surrounding Business Management from a student's view. I'm trying to grasp the concept, terminologies, concepts etc but it's kind of confusing. Would love to get a clearer understanding in this academic area.
    The academic forum that we have are filled with alot of confused students so I thought I would look online.

  2. #2
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    At what University are you studying?

  3. #3
    Diamond Member
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    Be careful - the real world and the stuff that students are expected to learn are often entirely different things. Especially when the students are in their early years of study.

    My daughter is doing 3rd year psychology and it is quite apparent that they are learning a bunch of stylized theoretical nonsense. One of the things they dealt with was ethics - the rubbish that they were taught had no basis in law and will not stand up in a court. I always tell her to figure out what they want to hear so that she can pass - the real world will teach its own lessons. The worst lecturer they have is a practicing psychologist - the woman is a narcissistic opinionated racist cow (by the things my daughter tells me she says in class)

  4. #4
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deenap View Post
    I'm a student and was wondering if there is anyone that can assist me with questions surrounding Business Management from a student's view. I'm trying to grasp the concept, terminologies, concepts etc but it's kind of confusing. Would love to get a clearer understanding in this academic area.
    The academic forum that we have are filled with a lot of confused students so I thought I would look online.
    The study of any subject or discipline starts with the terminology. How can you learn if you do not understand the meaning of the word? How will you describe something if you don't know what to call it? You have to be able to visualise a concept to be able to understand it. For first time students this may not be so easy. I would suggest visiting a diverse number of businesses to actually see how things are being done. Ask lots of questions and read about different topics.

    I was never a great student at school, but I was fond of reading. Never did any homework, but having read the book, all our classes were revision to me. I passed biology on general knowledge as I was fond of drawing and knew exactly how to draw or describe the e.g. the working of the heart or digestive system of a frog etc.
    Get to know and understand the terminology and I am sure that your will find it easier to learn and remember.
    Excellence is not a skill; its an attitude...

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