I closed my business in 1992.
I lost my wife, my children, my home, my car, my bicycle, and my self-respect.
I took judgments from banks, landlords, and business suppliers.
It took three years before these folk realised I had nothing left. They stopped taking me to court.
By then, I was worth a whole lot less than zero. I couldn't start a business again. No bank would let me open a bank account.
A school-friend and her husband let me operate out of a business shell they were not using. (Thanks, Barbara & Alec.)
I was so overwhelmed by my ignorance that I spoke to every small-business owner I could find.
It did not take long to realise most of them were on the same path towards closure.
They began to ask me for help since I was so experienced! This initial consulting grew into seminars about surviving closure.
It does not matter if you're:
· a sole prop
· a close corp
· a (pty) ltd
· in partnership
· an inc.
A small-business is nine times more likely to close than to survive 10 years. That's the norm. That's not failure. That's how banks designed the game.
I wrote SA's best-selling book on surviving business closure. It's also the worlds best selling book on the subject. Entrepreneurial failure is not a popular subject.
That's why it's so very lonely when things go wrong for you. There is no guidance.
Until midnight February 29th my R997-00 course on surviving business closure is free. It covers everything I learned from my own experiences. And from the 30,000 people who attended the live seminars.
It's called CrashProof your Business. Three hours of private lectures online. Nobody knows who is taking the course. You get lifetime access. And your spouse will be overjoyed you're covering her bottom.
You also get a free live webinar in March for any questions you have.
It took me ten years to recover from the financial fallout. That's the norm. I am not sure my head will ever recover. I dance around my office each time a new person joins the CrashProof course. That's another family who will not drown in the shyte my family did.
Click here to learn everything I (and 30,000 other small-business owners) know about prospering through a business closure.
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