Hi There is an GRN that shows on the OUSTANDING GRN option in pastel 18.2.1
How do i delete it.
Hi There is an GRN that shows on the OUSTANDING GRN option in pastel 18.2.1
How do i delete it.
Hi Caren, can you please show a screenshot of what you mean?
You need to link the GRN to a supplier invoice, post the invoice, then do a return and debit to the supplier, if you wish to remove it and it is wrong. If the GRN is for a nil value and has no lines that can be linked, you will need to either delete it from the databse in pervasive (if you have the knowledge) or you would need a support consultants assistance.
If I understand the question clearly, you have to make absolutely sure before ‘deleting’ this grn, as it is an indication that you have received stock, but have either not been invoiced for it by the supplier, or have not posted the invoice or have not posted the invoice by linking the GRN.
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