From 30 plus years of hands on site work... these are the tools i have used.
For chasing walls:
The double blade makita grinder comes in first place ...dust free from the start ...only catch ...the machine is more of a DIY product ...i alternate between 2 of them soon as the metal behind the blade gets warm i swop machines... let it cool down.
The makita vacuum is not designed for brick dust... i know i burnt out my armiture twice.
The hilti vacuum comes with the ding dong thingy mabob that hangs in the machine... it does the trick.
Hilti chasing machines are not designed for SA ... i have offered to educate their engineers on chasing walls on more than one occasion... they know better.
Anyone who has as much experience as i do with chasing walls will tell you you ...only a fool pushing a grinder up the wall.
However chasing along the floor must push the grinder forward.
I had both the makita and hilti running in my workshop... using them for wood dust collection ...after a few hours... the hilti stopped... the makita has never let me down while using it for wood dust collection.
However there is catch Hilti dont offer a backup service for their vacuum cleaners... I need to find a vacuum which works as well as the Hilti but has support for the product ...i did get mine fixed at JMM power tools.
For chipping walls... I havent tried any of Hiltis new machines but i can tell you from experience ...makita chippers have the upper hand TE 55 which I have had as long as my business is still working... Hilti didnt strip and replace ever component inside it after 28 year of service for a small fee (they have a max charge fee) ...for drilling 28 mm holes through a concrete slab... its does the trick... in fact I was looking a t replacing the TE 55 with a newer model we did a head to head challenge ...fitted both the old and new machine with brand new 28 mm concrete bits TE 55 was 8 seconds slower ... I decided to save the R15000.00 and will continue using it as long as they offer support for it.
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