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Thread: 15 Best Business Blogs In South Africa To Read

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    15 Best Business Blogs In South Africa To Read

    Hi guys,

    This is a lineup of the best business blogs in South Africa that gives helpful advice and tips to entrepreneurs. You are more than welcome to add other business blogs you think should have made the list and why.

    1. Fin24

    Fin24 posts the latest business news, forecasts, opinions, and trends in South Africa’s business sector, as it is happening. You can also get the newest business policies implemented by the government and challenges faced in the industry, as well as entrepreneur advice.


    2. How We Made It In Africa

    How We Made It In Africa, not just posts business advice, but it also features entrepreneurs from South Africa and other African countries to share their journey to success.

    It posts the areas that are lucrative and are the future of business. How We Made It In Africa gives business insight.

    3. Cobus van Vuuren

    Cobus van Vuuren helps business owners, CEOs and entrepreneurs alike identify and expand their network of sales leads, using Digital Marketing.
    He also provides blueprints that acts as a manual to help you grow your sales and bottomline results.


    4. Nation Builder

    Run by Keri-Leigh Pascal, Nation Builder is an online peer-learning community for corporate social investment. Nation builder gives you resources that are developed by their panel of experts, offers real time advice and you can engage in conversations with peers to help you improve your business' social impact.


    5. Smatfin

    If you are looking to go into retail, then Smatfin is exactly the blog you should be following. It is a retail blog that focuses on the Southern Africa Retail Industry. They help retail entrepreneurs get more customers.

    Smatfin works across retail such as Manufacturing, FMCG, Health & Beauty, Homeware, Electronics and Fashion. The blog is run by Shimanga Mubitana.

    6. Wealth Creators

    Lisa Illingworth’s Wealth Creators aims to educate people who left or are still in the corporate sector, who want to start a business and become an entrepreneur.

    7. Elzette Fourie

    Elzette Fourie’s Industry Insights focuses on Employer Branding and Recruitment Advertising. Her writings aim to teach recruiters and employers how to build a good reputation so that they can attract the right candidates and in turn teaches candidates to develop their personal brand so that they appeal to ideal recruiters.

    8. Fox & Owl Media

    Fox And Owl works with businesses that are in the health & wellness, holistic healing, alternative medicine and eco-sustainability sectors.

    They help you build websites and online shops that attract, educate, and advise your ideal clients and establish you as an expert in your field.

    9. nichemarket

    Nichemarket is a startup company and a small blog, that wants to help other companies and entrepreneurs, by sharing their knowledge on how to build a business with them, and bring together a community of experts to also share their own knowledge.

    10. The CA Blog

    The CA Blog is written by experienced financial recruitment consultants. It focuses on helping job seekers and freshers who are new to the industry by writing on topics such as CV writing, interview etiquette, career advice and the intricacies of the modern workforce.

    11. LivingLife with Petrolene

    LivingLife with Petrolene is a Lifestyle and Business Blog that teaches individuals how to successfully combine wellness, health and productivity with their career. It sells the idea that you can work long hours at the office, skip lunch and still maintain your health.

    And of course, it also gives you career/business advice.

    12. Diary Of A Whimsical Girl

    Diary of a Whimsical Girl is both a business and lifestyle blog. The author Taryn Victor uses the business platform of the blog to share stories from entrepreneurs and start-ups alike, on what it takes to start and maintain a business.

    She also uses this platform as a way to help businesses get some exposure for their works.

    13. SA Crypto

    SA Crypto is South Africa’s largest block chain community. The website has the latest news and information on blockchain, cryptocurrency and bitcoin from drop to regulation and prices, to analysis.

    14. Shipping And Freight Resources

    Shipping and Freight Resource, helps you develop your Shipping and Freighting knowledge and gives you an insight into what is currently happening in this industry.

    Note that this blog is centered only on the shipping and freight industry.

    15. People Connect Group

    People Connect Group is a blog that shares inspiring stories of South African entrepreneurs and latest small business trends. It is packed with advice on everything you need to know about running a business, and everything you need to start or run your business.

  2. #2
    Diamond Member
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    I really want to find out more about what it is that you do.

    Do you just compile lists of things that you find on the net and then post them on here?
    Do you have a business yourself?
    If if have business what is it that you do?
    Is it successful?
    What are the issues you are faced with?

    I just find it strange that you never actually write anything yourself.

  3. #3
    Diamond Member
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    I would really like to find a business platform where people follow a business strategy that actually works...considering the fail rate in SA is more than 50 % in the first 5 years and less than 2 % still operating after 10 years... clearly the business advice given has not long term sustainability.

    Considering i was told by a bank manager that my business wouldnt last 5 years and her i have less than 2 years to go and it it will be 30 years and going as strong as i choose it to be...some say it doesnt count if you are a small business... i can only smile... being a small one man operation is a lot more difficult than when I had yearly contracts and team doing the work for me.

  4. #4
    Diamond Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ians View Post
    I would really like to find a business platform where people follow a business strategy that actually works...considering the fail rate in SA is more than 50 % in the first 5 years and less than 2 % still operating after 10 years... clearly the business advice given has not long term sustainability.

    Considering i was told by a bank manager that my business wouldnt last 5 years and her i have less than 2 years to go and it it will be 30 years and going as strong as i choose it to be...some say it doesnt count if you are a small business... i can only smile... being a small one man operation is a lot more difficult than when I had yearly contracts and team doing the work for me.
    Those who can do....
    ...and those who can't....

    Sad but true...

  5. #5
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Fin24 is a blog?

  6. #6
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    I am a content writer for a job site named MyJobMag.

    We are company that posts jobs, gives career advice, write on anything career-related and we also offer CV review services.

    No, I don't just post things I find on the Internet, once in a while, we just make a list of top 10s and 20s and add links and social media handles. Those articles are like a shout out to the people and blogs mentioned and we also post it to our Twitter page.

    I do write my own articles, purely mine. Yes, it is actually strange that I don't post some of my work here, but I promise to do more of that often.

    But I am still trying to find what kind of topics people on this forum would find relevant to them so that I can post things that add value, not just random lists.

  7. #7
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    It does have a blog section yes?

  8. #8
    Diamond Member
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    You need to proofread your own website - Your website is full of grammatical mistakes - Maybe you should hire a BA English Literature graduate to write for you.

    I think that it is absolutely terrible that a website offering a CV checking service can't even write properly themselves!

    I read some of the posts on the blog and the writing is absolutely atrocious. Guys - programmers should NOT be giving career advice especially if they are unable to write properly. Writing is an art and as such has to be studied. One cannot just write whatever nonsense comes to mind.

    I see in your About page that you are all programmers. That is also terrible - What do programmers know about HR, recruitment, social sciences, economics, law...or English writing for that matter. Come on people - If you are going to give the public career advice then at least have one suitably qualified person on your team to do so - otherwise you guys just sit around and make $h1T up!

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    Very wonderful list! Thanks!

  10. #10
    Full Member Gaynor's Avatar
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    What I am quite interested in currently is blogs that will allow me to comment and respond to their articles - a list of business blogs that do that would be great!
    Warm Regards,
    Gaynor Paynter
    083 442 4689
    We type and write it right.

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