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Thread: Checklist For Business Success

  1. #1
    Silver Member Vincent's Avatar
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    Checklist For Business Success

    I subscribe to a newsletter by Robert Heller and Edward de Bono called Management Intelligence, but of late it's become a bit boring. I'm now receiving letters that I got when I first joined. The last one I received was one of the first sent to me and I would like to share it with the forum, called, "Your Checklist For Business Success:"

    DO YOU...
    1. IMPROVE basic, measured efficiencies continuously?
    2. THINK simply and directly about what you are doing and why?
    3. BEHAVE towards others as you wish them to behave towards you?
    4. EVALUATE each business and business opportunity with total, fact-based objectivity?
    5. CONCENTRATE on what you do well?
    6. ASK questions ceaselessly about performance, markets and objectives?
    7. MAKE MONEY- knowing that, if you don't, you can't make anything else?
    8. ECONOMISE always seeking Limo (Least Input for Most Output)?
    9. FLATTEN the organisation to spread authority and responsibility?
    10. ADMIT to your own failings and shortcomings and correct them?
    11. SHARE the benefits of success with all those who helped to achieve it?
    12. TIGHTEN up the organisation wherever and whenever you can because familiarity breeds slackness?
    13. ENABLE everybody to optimise their individual and group contribution?
    14. SERVE your customers with all their requirements to standards of perceived excellence in quality?
    15. TRANSFORM performance by innovating creatively in products and processes including the processes of management?
    If you've scored 15 out of 15, who are you kidding? There are always areas of weakness. At 10 YES answers, you're doing well, but with plenty to strive for. At 5 or less, your standards will let you down and let down your colleagues. These questions penetrate to the heart of successful management. They have passed, and will pass, the test of time.
    That's enough business for the year - now it's time for a "long cold one"
    Vincent Marino
    Maximising the sales value of your business!

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  2. #2
    Moderator IanF's Avatar
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    I feel no.3
    and no.10
    are the most important
    Only stress when you can change the outcome!

  3. #3
    Silver Member Vincent's Avatar
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    I believe they all have a place in ones business, and at times one check will be more important than the next. It also depends on where your business is in its business cycle.
    Vincent Marino
    Maximising the sales value of your business!

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  4. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vincent View Post
    It also depends on where your business is in its business cycle.
    I was thinking something similar. There are subtle shifts in any business which means that what needs priority attention shifts too.

    Also (and this may just be me), I find it difficult to focus on 10 things at the same time. So I'll pick a couple that are the main focus at any given time and just re-evaluate my priorities from time to time.

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