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Thread: Shuttle dimmer problems

  1. #1
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    Angry Shuttle dimmer problems

    Problem with Shuttle dimmer (SDIM-T-LED-500w)

    Replaced a shuttle dimmer module that was giving problems. (all lights connected to the dimmer module would turn off after about 1-3 minutes). Replaced it but problem does not go away. The previous module has been working for 5 months without any problems.

    Lights connected - 58 x 5W golf ball lights
    Light fitting - 29 x eurolux optica pendant
    Dimmer switch - Clipsal 10A 30series bell press switch
    Dimmer module - Shuttle SDIM-T-LED-500W universal module (trailing default)

    Wattage should not be a problem?
    When dimmer module is bypassed everything works perfectly. Tested and inspected the wiring

  2. #2
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Hi LukasF

    Had this before and found that the lamps were not of the dimmable kind.

    You get dimmable & non dimmable lamps.

    Turn the lights on, set the dimmer for full brightness and see what happens. Chances are it works ok and won't switch off by itself like you described.

    Another test you can do is to replace just 1 lamp with a filiment or halogen lamp and see what happens.

    Regards Derek

  3. #3
    Bronze Member
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    Morning Lucas

    With the shuttle dimmer it is not as easy as taking the wattage and dividing the load for LED lamps.

    Two reasons for this:

    1) Halogen lamps have a unity power factor and LED's lamps in general have a poor power factor unless you purchase the ones with a higher power factor the highest I have found is 95%
    2) It may have a start-up inrush current or repetitive peak current during every half-cycle that makes it appear much worse, i.e. behaves like a higher wattage load

    Secondly on the instructions shuttle only allows for one dimmer unit per light box due to heat

    I have found that if I take the wattage of the dimmer and divided by the equivalent halogen rating this is the number of LED bulbs I will add to the dimmer.

  4. Thanks given for this post:

    AndyD (03-Oct-19)

  5. #4
    New Member
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    Hi Lucas

    The Shuttle dimmer has a problem with loosing it memory settings. This happens when there is a power failure. The result is that is flickers after the power comes back on.

    I installed many in a hotel and initially it looks that they work fine. Then I had to come back to fix some every time they did a generator test. I first thought is was the output voltage of the generator. But after last month load shedding I got the same problem and got complains from other clients were I installed Shuttle LED dimmers. After the fifth time going back I decided to replace all of them with Bikkel dimmers. This solved the problem. I hold my fingers crossed once the next load shedding hits us. I can not imagine they were not aware of this problem at shuttle. As my supplier told me they got lots of comebacks of these LED dimmers especially after the load shedding last month.

  6. #5
    Junior Member
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    Hi Lucas.
    We were busy with a huge up market housing development and for the first year of using Shuttle dimmers we had no problem, then the following year we found that one house after another we were getting called back and having to change them, again and again one house after another we were going back replacing them and replacing the ones we had replaced already, we got in touch with Shuttle and they tried to sort out the problem, they sent us twenty of those dimmers so as to apologise, by then it was to late the embarrassment was to big, we then changed to R&D dimmers and since then touch wood we had no problem, ( so if you want to buy 20 Shuttle dimmers they are still in the original package sent by Shuttle give them to you CHEAP cheap).

    But Lucas be very careful on selecting a dimmer it depends on the lamp as they can be trailing edge or a leading edge that will make your head spin with one lamp coming on before the others and one will come and not the other as well as flickering.

    Lucas stick to R&D and speak to them I am sure they will assist you.

    Good luck

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