Hi there,
Can anyone please advise the cleanest way to fix this:
- I created a Supplier Invoice (PN2222) in April for R1,000 for two items (R800 + R200). We paid this invoice too. The VAT for April has been closed off.
- Now in July I realise we should have never paid for the R200 item
- We now have another invoice from the same supplier for R3,000. Ordinarily I'd simply create a Supplier Invoice for R2,800 and thereby "take out" the R200. But I know there must be a cleaner way as I don't like altering/messing up a new Supplier Invoice for the sake of an old Supplier Invoice.
What is the best way to go about fixing this, is it as simple as creating a Return & Debit against PN2222 in the month of July for R200? … and the VAT will be correctly worked out for July?
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