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Thread: Manual UIF Returns and Payments

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Manual UIF Returns and Payments

    Hi Everyone

    I would like to file a UI-19 Form manually for my staff I only have 6 staff members and my U-Filling Profile is a absolute DISASTER to say the least I have employees whom have resigned and absconded but way back in 2010 bu no matter what I do I have not been able to remove them off the profile and then there is the issue of no returns since 2014.

    Surprise, surprise I have had no help from the DOL

    Basically I would like to just manually file the returns till I can sort out the problem.

    What are the steps?

    I know I need to fill out the UI-19 Form for each month is there a email address I can send this info to?

    Also if I do a payment online do I need to fill out the payment advise form as well and where can I email that to?

    At this stage manually submitting and paying the contributions seems less daunting than the new UIF website.

    Any assistance or advise would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    Diamond Member Mike C's Avatar
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    Hi Debbie - there are a bunch of telephone numbers at the top of the UI-19 form that you can fax the form to ... although some of them (or most of them) are not connected, or there is no paper in the fax machines ... but for some reason or another they just ring and and ring and ring. You do not have to submit proof of payment because they should pick it up from your reference number. But I suppose it would not be a bad idea to fax that through with the form as well.

    When my wife took over for the Body Corporate some years ago she emailed the form through each month. About 3 years ago she received a phonecall saying that she was not submitting, so she had to fax 3 years worth of returns through to them.

    You would think that in this day and age email trumps the outdated fax - go figure.

    In any case we now fax it through each month and they send a letter back via snail mail confirming that they have received it. The fax number that we find is working at the moment is 0866323503
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