We at Kromdraai, Thabazimbi have been suckered by Thabazimbi Municipality. Our rates and taxes were fairly low due to the fact that we do not get any services from the Municipality.
Suddenly in April 2018 we receive a notice that we should go on the website of said Municipality to obtain the valuation roll.
Kromdraai, Thabazimbi is a small holding community, about 55km from Bela Bela (Previously Warmbad) There is about 400 small holdings in Kromdraai.
With this new valuation roll the rates and taxes went up with 100%. How can the Municipality that do not provide any services raise the taxes to such an extreme amount?
We provide our own water (boreholes), Sanitation is by septic tanks(own account) Rubbish removal is also your own account.
How can they justify this increase? Somebody had a brainstorm and see a new way of stealing?
What is your take on this?
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