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Thread: Google Plus is retiring

  1. #1
    Email problem
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    Google Plus is retiring

    So google had announced a leak of 500000 users data from google plus due to a bug , seems common these days. Among all online platforms. Googles reactions to shut down google plus. I know google plus isnt major, there are however few users that use it effectively.

    What puzzling me is they made google plus the backbone for many of their google products and also the developer api's I wonder whats going to happen to all of that.

    If it weren't for this data leak im sure they were going to re purpose or shut it down anyway as fail.

    I feel bad for the people users who actually made communities or run communities on google plus.
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  2. #2
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    I'm mostly using Google+ for business advertising. So many members of Google+ contact me via Google+ Profile help my business to get leads. Google Announced that Google+ shut down due to security reason because google developer find a bug in google+ database. So he regularly secure it but bug harm of many data to unusedful information leak. According to Google+ 50000 users data may be access by private users.

  3. #3
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    Yes, that is sort of what i said. What do you think will happen to products like gmail, google my business, and developer api's i know some of them are being scraped too, all are reliant on a google plus account for use.
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  4. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by New Perspective studio View Post
    Yes, that is sort of what i said. What do you think will happen to products like gmail, google my business, and developer api's i know some of them are being scraped too, all are reliant on a google plus account for use.
    Gmail was around long before G+.

    My experience is that Google products (such as Gmail, Adwords, Adsense, Analytics and Search Console) operate separately in terms of identifying you and passing information to each other until you link them. Not only is that individuality maintained at a user profile level, but also at a web property level.

    Ripping G+ out of commission shouldn't pose a problem.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    Gmail was around long before G+.

    My experience is that Google products (such as Gmail, Adwords, Adsense, Analytics and Search Console) operate separately in terms of identifying you and passing information to each other until you link them. Not only is that individuality maintained at a user profile level, but also at a web property level.

    Ripping G+ out of commission shouldn't pose a problem.
    You would know more than I do. Age and all .

    Even if it was a backbone they wouldnt let it affect anything else thats being used successfully im sure. I wonder if they are literally going to wipe it clean, or sort of re purpose it.

    I mean I know it wasnt a great success the opposite infact but it still caries some weight with users. Then again with the data leaks and the recent focus on them it may be in their best interest to end it before Fines are issued. Damage control not from a data or financial perspective, because lets be real I dont think they care, they pay those fines with smiles on their faces.

    What they do care about it pr.
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  6. #6
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I was reading a security article on the issue this morning. Apparently the problem is similar to the problem behind the Facebook Cambridge Analytica scandal - controlling what information app developers can get access to without the subject's permission and knowledge.

    Quote Originally Posted by New Perspective studio View Post
    Age and all .

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    I was reading a security article on the issue this morning. Apparently the problem is similar to the problem behind the Facebook Cambridge Analytica scandal - controlling what information app developers can get access to without the subject's permission and knowledge.

    Funny thin is I heard the fine Facebook got for that whole scandal they made back in revenue within a hour. I dont know how true that is, but I think it could be pretty accurate.

    Im not one of those people who dont want my info online, I dont mind targeted ads and all that, I figure if you are going to be online then that is just part of the deal. Its things like sensitive info that that I can see being a problem.

    Completely unrelated, I bought something with Paypal a while back, usually I delete the account as soon as I get what I wanted because I dont really trust paypal. Funny thing is, a few months later my credit card was due to expire, paypal emailed me reminding me that it was about to expire. I went back to see if I still had an account, I didnt.

    This data thing is getting out of hand though, pretty soon its going to be the new oil. First it was uber and apple. Then facebook. And now google. Seems its not their first though :

    In 2017 the commission imposed a €2.4bn (£2.1bn) penalty after finding that Google had used its dominant search engine to skew the market in favour of its internet shopping service. Google is appealing against that decision.

    In a separate case, the commission has accused Google of blocking search-engine rivals on third-party websites. The case centres on Google’s AdSense product, which allows websites to install a customised search engine and benefit from advertising revenues.

    In the Android case, Google was accused of breaking EU rules on three counts. First, by requiring manufacturers to pre-install Google search as the default search engine on Android devices, as a condition for licensing Google’s app store, Play Store.

    The second anti-competitive behaviour was preventing smartphone manufacturers from running competing systems that had not been approved by Google. Third, Google was found to have denied consumers choice by paying manufacturers and mobile phone operators to pre-install Google Search.
    Thats alot of money going where?.....
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  8. #8
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    That is a shocking news. I also use google+ for some advertising but i never expect it to be shut down just because of a bug.

  9. #9
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    Not just a bug problem

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheraz View Post
    That is a shocking news. I also use google+ for some advertising but i never expect it to be shut down just because of a bug.
    I dont think its purely the issue of the bug. google has had many bugs over a few of their platforms even payed fines for them as mentioned above. Those are still up and running. I think this is just a final straw type of thing. Google plus never got to where they wanted it to be and they ( in my opinion ) where waiting for a reason to cut their losses and call it a day on this one.

    Google has under performed in their predicted market shares for the first time in two years. They are fighting alot of battles on multiple fronts. Its not just apple anymore. Facebook has become a problem for them too. Because unlike the rest of their competition which they just simply bought out. These guys are not selling and buying smaller platforms like whats app. Facebook has a video service which is rivalling youtube. Facebook runs adds which takes a chunk of money from adwords. Facebook has in its own way become a local search engine, if you are looking for something in your area you can ask on facebook for suggested places.

    Its a big issue for google. They need to be the first contact for queries to make the most use of adwords.

    One day we might say let me facebook it... instead of google it.
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  10. #10
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    Thumbs up Agreed

    Quote Originally Posted by New Perspective studio View Post
    I dont think its purely the issue of the bug. google has had many bugs over a few of their platforms even payed fines for them as mentioned above. Those are still up and running. I think this is just a final straw type of thing. Google plus never got to where they wanted it to be and they ( in my opinion ) where waiting for a reason to cut their losses and call it a day on this one.

    Google has under performed in their predicted market shares for the first time in two years. They are fighting alot of battles on multiple fronts. Its not just apple anymore. Facebook has become a problem for them too. Because unlike the rest of their competition which they just simply bought out. These guys are not selling and buying smaller platforms like whats app. Facebook has a video service which is rivalling youtube. Facebook runs adds which takes a chunk of money from adwords. Facebook has in its own way become a local search engine, if you are looking for something in your area you can ask on facebook for suggested places.

    Its a big issue for google. They need to be the first contact for queries to make the most use of adwords.

    One day we might say let me facebook it... instead of google it.
    You have made some solid case there so I must agree with you.

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