Hi there,
Just have a quick question regarding a Restraint of Trade clause that I'm hoping someone can shed some light on for me.
A few months back (March) I was offered a position in a company, being desperate for a job I signed an employment contract containing a restraint of trade clause stating I couldn't work for another company in the same industry for a period of 1 year following my termination of employment.
I started the job on the Monday, signed the contract on Wednesday, then on Friday I found out I was being offered another position which suited me a lot better (distance from home, working hours etc). The following Monday I spoke to my manager and explained the situation and tendered my resignation. I asked what notice period they would like me to work as I had only been there one working week (Mon - Fri) and I was told I could leave the same day. I was also never paid for the week that I had worked, which is fine, I wasn't expecting to be.
Now I'm wondering if the Restraint of Trade clause in that contract is still binding/effective. Can anyone advise me on this?
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