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Thread: Diet and Weight Loss | The best diet plan and natural ways of weight loss

  1. #11
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    Weight Loss Tips

    High protein breakfast.
    Don't take sugary drinks and fruit juice.
    You should drink water before meals.
    Choose weight-loss-friendly foods.
    Eat soluble fiber.
    Drink coffee or tea.
    Base your diet on whole foods.
    Eat slowly

  2. #12
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    As for me, the easiest option for losing weight is regular exercise and healthy eating. This is the best option.

  3. #13
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    If i add up all the weight i have lost over the years ... it would be around 200 kg ... most recent attempt down from 138 kg - 96 kg over a 3 year period.

    Generally i would get to around 130-140 kg ... start having health issues ...have the living bejesus scared out of me when rushed to ER for breathing issues or chest pains... it would motivate me to "diet" and boy have tried a few... yes they all work ... literally every single diet or eating plan works... but there is a catch have to commit... this is where the wheels fall off ...people feel they need cheat days... ot just a little something to help get by and so the the journey becomes more and more difficult.

    If you look at this virus thing you will note we are so brain washed into bullshyte ... no selling cigaretes due to heath risk.. if i have ever heard dumb comment ...that would be in the top 5 ...theree are far worse things causing health issue for humans...

    something to consider ...i never had a weight problem or health issue when i smoked... gave up smoking ... ever since i gave up many years ago i have never been able to control my weight ... i have been to ER more for obese issiues than i ever did while smoking... yes they say it causes lung cancer and all the other stuff ...but boy the shyte we are brainwashed into thinking is good food is far worse.

    You wanna become the richest man on this planet ... figue out a way to "motive" people to eat healthy and stick to it... once the weight loss journey begins it gets easier ...the most difficult part is taking the first step ...then the second then the 3rd.

    It is the simplist yet most difficult thing in the world.

    Eat fruit and vegatables ... drink water and stay away from processed products.

    Yes you can load an app on your phone to count calories and crap like that ...but i can tell you 6 months and it just becomes and mission to keep at it.
    Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ythewait View Post
    Don't take sugary drinks and fruit juice. (processed)
    You should drink water before meals.

    Eat soluble fiber.
    Base your diet on whole foods.
    Eat slowly
    I would agree with these items.

    I am gona say it again and again... it that first step which is the most difficult ... figue out a way to motivate people without an ER scare and you will become rich and famous.
    Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.

  5. #15
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Rule number 1. Don't buy cooked food ( take aways ) .... it is what it is ... junk food.

    Rule 2. Go banting.

    End of story.

    Cheers and peace out ... Derek

  6. #16
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    Intermittent fasting

    Quote Originally Posted by Steven2 View Post
    I do intermittent fasting (IF) every day, was obese now have a normal weight and lost mostly fat. Intermittent fasting is not a diet, it's a pattern of eating. It's a way of scheduling your meals so that you get the most out of them. Intermittent fasting doesn’t change what you eat, it changes when you eat. It’s a great way to get lean without going on a crazy diet or cutting your calories down to nothing. Most of the time you'll try to keep your calories the same when you start intermittent fasting (most people eat bigger meals during a shorter time frame). Intermittent fasting also makes your day simpler i.e allows me to eat one less meal, which also means planning one less meal, cooking one less meal, and stressing about one less meal.
    Please share how you do this snd wgat are the hours you eat and dont eat

  7. #17
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    Since my last bicycle accident ... i have gone from riding 200 - 300 km a week and eat more and more junk ... i have slowly got bigger and bigger (heavier and heavier)... add in lockdown and the weight has blown out of control ... ( put on 19 kg in total since the bicycle accident)... this time around it is not as simple as in the past ... i dumped all my 40 ...42 ... and size 44 pants and triple xl shirts when i lost 40 kg ... promised myslef i would never get fat aagain ... here i am again ... the same problem ... by the way my weight issue started when i gave up smoking many many years ago while a smoker I never had a weight issue ... and heres the joke ... they say smoking is bad for you ... i have been to the ER more for overweight related issues than lung issues.

    Its not the weight that bothers me ... it is how uncomfortable it has become to do anyhting ... how doing anything just becomes a mission ... and no the weight doesnt just go thorugh the roof in 1 week ... it takes time ... you notice around your chin first ... then your lower back then your stomach ... your shirts start getting tighter ... it starts hanging out the bottom of the tee shirt ... you spend more time sitting around watching TV and wasting time on social media.

    2 weeks ago i decided to do something about it ... so far i have lost 4 kg ... but more important ...i ti s getting easier to work ...especially climbing around in the roof space ( i have been busy installing all the cabling and equipment for my home automation project)

    what is the most important factor about weight loss ...its not the diet or the eating plan ...or juicing or fasting ... the key to weightloss ...buying the dream home ... building an empire ... becoming an engineer or even a simple thing like your relationship with your children ... it has to start somewhere ... you have to actually put some effort ... for some it could mean putting a plan together ... others loading an app on their phone to monitor progress and for some of us it just involves getting up in the morning and making an effort or creating a habit.

    Buying a piece of gym equipment for R10 000 might get you motivated for a couple of weeks ...but in most cases this wears off and before you know it ... its becomes an advert for sale or dumped on the scrap heap.

    My advise to anyone wanting to loose weight ... get fit or get off the pills ... it is not rocket science ... its not a magic pill or a magic diet plan or juice or R10 000 peice of gym equipment ... its you your mind have to take control and make the effort.

    If you are really want to loose weight ... wake up 1 hour earlier every single day (because the same ol same ol excuse ... I dont have time) ...put on a comfortable pair of shoes ... ones you have in the cupboard and go walk 5 km come rain or sun ...every single day ... even if you dont change your eating habit ... that 5 km walk will produce results within a couple of days or weeks ... what happens is as you walk more so you automatically start feeling better which then makes you want to cut out the chocolate cake and all the other crap you eat ... if you are younger than 50 ... within 3 - 4 months you will feel like a new person and as i did ... i lost 35 kg the first time i did it ... if older than 50 ... it will take a little longer ... then look into a diet or eating plan which you enjoy ... dont be a fool and start a brocholli diet and hat eit every single day ... if banting blows your socks off because everyone tells you its the best thing since sliced bread it ... you will evolve in time and find what works best for you.
    Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.

  8. #18
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    If you want to lose weight then become a waiter at at restaurant during covid-19 lockdown. You won't eat because you wont get paid!

  9. #19
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ians View Post
    ... if banting blows your socks off because everyone tells you its the best thing since sliced bread it ... you will evolve in time and find what works best for you.
    If one is overweight, which I was, there is a chance that one is diabetic. I checked this out and lo and behold, I was.

    I eat banting not because everyone told me that it's the next best thing since sliced bread, but because there is more than enough scientific proof and evidence that a banting diet kills 2 birds with 1 stone. Your blood sugar level normalizes AND you lose weight at the same time without having to starve yourself and forever feel hungry.

    Peace out ... Derek

  10. #20
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    Health is more important than weight loss, I think!

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