1. Rhodies
They were very smart … very, very smart folk indeed on any number of counts … until Ian Douglas Smith hit them, like Donald Trump, with his narrative of dominance and culture of exclusion.
Then it was an exercise of supreme frustration and futility to get them to see and realize the realities
I and others tried and tried and tried ... and failed ….
History has proved beyond a shadow of doubt that I/we were right and the “smart” Rhodies were led down and extremely foolhardy path that eventually gave us the tyrannical Mugabe ZANU-PF regime … just as I and others predicted.

2. Zimbabweans
They were far from dumb. That is why over 99% of them never did join/support the so-called “liberation struggle” as much as this inconvenient truth is never mentioned.
Then they went dumb and, despite our fervent counselling, they chose the ‘butcher” Mugabe over “peace-loving” Bishop Abel Muzorewa on promises of Trump-like dominance and a culture of “exclusion”.
They have lived to rue that choice …. Just as I/we predicted.

3. Robert Mugabe’s Professor of Socialism
A Professor was hired by Mugabe to "lead the nation on the road to socialism” and we were treated to a weekly program on this. Trump has his “Make America Great again”.
It was/is all political gobbledygook.
I took him on at a moot at the University of Zimbabwe. Basically my stance was that his socialist narrative was riddled with intellectual dishonesty and jingoism to dupe human beings into having “shared poverty” as was the case with their hero in Cuba.
You see bellowing, grunting snorting “road to socialism” and “make America great again” are simply traps for fools … as is ALL sloganeering … because these slogans are underpinned by lies .. BIG LIES.
He treated me to a tirade of near invectives and labels like “you neo-liberals … “.
I retaliated by insisting that he was being “argumentative, frivolous and vexatious”, just like the naive Rhodies, a condition that is now routinely demonstrated by Trump supporters when interviewed by investigative journalists.
The good Professor is now in SA, and appears to have had an epiphany, as he now NEVER mentions “socialism” … lol … lol …
… and socialism has not succeeded anywhere … and the Labour Party’s socialism in the UK put that country on the brink …. Just as I had insisted.

4. Hugo Chavez
I predicted that the socialist fundamentals that this bugger was putting in place at the time he was alive as a highly populist leader were going to ensure a Zimbabwe style implosion of Venezuela.
I was quite brutally attacked by so many of our “Black” brothers and sisters on this stance as they saw Chavez as some kind of hero as they did the demonical tyrant Gaddafi.
Today we see Venezuela in tatters, just as I predicted.

5. The implosion of Zimbabwe.
We left Zimbabwe when unlike South Africa … all the fundamentals of Health, Education, Energy, Road/Rail infrastructure … etc. ... were sound … just like America.
We left because it was my assessment, verbalized by me, and poo-pooed by all and sundry … even very smart folk indeed … that the swine at the top was going to “ruin the country and impoverish the nation”.
Very sentient folk, even my beloved late brother, told me that I was mad … mad to give up a Judgeship and a very good life in the best suburb and leave my homeland.
History once again proved me right … 1000% right!!

6. The so-called “Government of National Unity” in Zimbabwe.
When then “no crisis” President Thabo Mbeki used something called “quiet diplomacy” to bully a duly elected MDC leadership to accept his “GNU” Moeletsi Mbeki, late Hugh Masekela and others begged Morgan Tsvangirai not to sign up to this and he solemnly swore that he would not … only to do so in virtually no time at all.
Mbeki’s “Quiet Diplomacy GNU” was widely punted as a really great achievement … and again I was brutally attacked for saying that it was a sham and a betrayal at its very core.
That much has been proved beyond all doubt … just as I predicted.

7. Thabo Mbeki
When the TM regime came to power I made a formal announcement to my family, that South Africa “now had a deviant government”, punting a Donald Trump style of “dominance” and “exclusion” packaged as “affirmative action” and “Black Economic Empowerment” … euphemisms for cabal looting … and “black economic enrichment”.
Many were highly skeptical of my assessment.
The culture of wall-to-wall political patronage that Mbeki embedded spawned the wall-to-wall corruption, ineptitude and incompetence that was leveraged by the Zuma regime … and has now crippled South Africa.
Again I was right … as I have always been about seeing past the packaging.

8. America.
When Donald Trump was elected I posted that “America has just entered its most shameful period since the era of slavery.”
Almost daily I am being proved right.

It gives no pleasure to say to you that I have never been wrong in seeing past the bellowing grunting and snorting of so-called political leaders.
It continues to be debilitating to try to get folk with a “sheep” mindset to see past the political packaging.
I really hope and pray that my people in Zimbabwe are going to be wiser this time when they vote.
I think that my life will have been shortened by at least ten (10) years because of the frustration of trying to convince folk to

“think more and believe less”.

Stop being sheep.

PS: I am predicting that Donald Trump will not die of old age in bed.
He has hurt, bullied, insulted, betrayed, screwed too many people in a country where anyone can have a gun .. and they use them ... use them at a rate of over 100,000 a year.
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