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Thread: retrenched and company takes 2 months to issue ui-19 UIF , now 2 months lost UIF claim

  1. #1
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    retrenched and company takes 2 months to issue ui-19 UIF , now 2 months lost UIF claim

    I sincerely hope someone here can help me please:

    My wife was retrenched on 1 april 2018 , it took her company 2 weeks to send her the first ui-19 form , which was incorrect when she went to the UIF offices the first time , since then she has been back 4 times to UIF with 4 'updated ui-19 forms from her old company and only today , 13 June 2018 , did her old employer get it right wrt the ui-19 form. She was employed for 20 years at the same company. UIF informed her that due to the delay by her previous employer she has now lost 2 1/2 months worth of unemployment benefit , due to no fault of her's but due to the fault of her previous employer dragging their feet to issue a correct ui-19 form.

    so , what recourse does she have ? , can she submit 'something' to UIF to get them to pay her for the lost 2 1/2 months UIF ? , we really don't know what to do atm and are really struggling financially , God knows we can really put that lost money to good use.

    thank you so much.

  2. #2
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    I have been the employer stuck on the supposedly wrong side of UI -19 forms - It is not all the employers fault as UIF seem to have lost info when they changed systems years ago.Also had an issue where the last digit of the ID number was changed back in 1994 with an employee which was a nightmare to sort out.
    I faxed forms , emailed forms , spoke to people in an attempt to help my guys with no results.
    With the "new"( been quite awhile now) , electronic submssions system there do not seem to be problems - We have just had it with the older employees

    The best way to solve the problem is to insist at the UIF that they assign a case officer to your case as your previous employer has committed fraud by deducting and not paying across.
    Once the case officer is assigned it is a lot easier as an employer to sort out the admin with somebody that has to actually show a result.
    As the employee you should then see the benefit,
    Speak to your previous employer, depending upon your relationship , and tell them what and why you are going to do the case officer bit.

    Having my guys report me to UIF and insist on a case officer has been the only way to deal with past employees and UIF issues .The case officers come around to the office with a Work Scheldue form that has to be completed as well and everything seems to run a bit smoother.

    The lost 2 months can only mean that they do not have your full term of employment registered on there system .Or they are trying to tell you that they cannot pay you out for the past 2 months but it just means that you will be paid for an extra 2 months at the end.

    Best of luck, sometimes talking to the brick wall next to you will be more responsive.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by GCE View Post

    I have been the employer stuck on the supposedly wrong side of UI -19 forms - It is not all the employers fault as UIF seem to have lost info when they changed systems years ago.Also had an issue where the last digit of the ID number was changed back in 1994 with an employee which was a nightmare to sort out.
    I faxed forms , emailed forms , spoke to people in an attempt to help my guys with no results.
    With the "new"( been quite awhile now) , electronic submssions system there do not seem to be problems - We have just had it with the older employees

    The best way to solve the problem is to insist at the UIF that they assign a case officer to your case as your previous employer has committed fraud by deducting and not paying across.
    Once the case officer is assigned it is a lot easier as an employer to sort out the admin with somebody that has to actually show a result.
    As the employee you should then see the benefit,
    Speak to your previous employer, depending upon your relationship , and tell them what and why you are going to do the case officer bit.

    Having my guys report me to UIF and insist on a case officer has been the only way to deal with past employees and UIF issues .The case officers come around to the office with a Work Scheldue form that has to be completed as well and everything seems to run a bit smoother.

    The lost 2 months can only mean that they do not have your full term of employment registered on there system .Or they are trying to tell you that they cannot pay you out for the past 2 months but it just means that you will be paid for an extra 2 months at the end.

    Best of luck, sometimes talking to the brick wall next to you will be more responsive.
    hi , thanks for the reply

    She is registered now , but she was told that she she will only receive benefits from the time she has been registered to the end if the benefit period , so , example: if she was to receive 6 months benefits she will now only receive 3 1/2 months benefits .
    UIF said they will NOT pay backdated benefits from the time she was retrenched , EVEN THOUGH IT WAS NOT HER FAULT , as her previous employer delayed in getting the ui-19 correctly done.

    What makes me mad is that she worked for the company for 20 years , paid UIF for 20 years ! , and this is one of the biggest financial corporate company's , (MetroP.....n) so she is entitled to that 'lost' 2 1/2 months.

    We just dont know what to do ..

  4. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    How the heck does one "mess up" an UI-19 return form? It really is a very simple thing to complete.

    I've had instances where ex-staff members gone to claim UIF benefits, and I end up getting a call saying that the return has not been received. When I explained that it was definitely filed on time via uFiling, I was told it takes time (as in months!!!) for the uFiling data to make it into the UIF data system the UIF claim staff use. The request every time was to submit a paper based UI-19 return for the month the employee's employment was terminated.

    My solution has been to give any terminated employee who qualifies for UIF benefit a completed UI-19 form (with just their employment and termination details on and nothing about the rest of the staff) along with their Certificate of Service. That, together with advice to take a cellphone with them and to call us if they have any problems right there and then seems to have eliminated claims problems.

  5. Thanks given for this post:

    Greig Whitton (15-Jun-18)

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