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Thread: A "Fail-Prove" Marketing System? Will it work for you....

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    A "Fail-Prove" Marketing System? Will it work for you....

    Let me see if I can help some of our entrepreneurs in marketing their products or services locally and internationally.

    For 100’s of years, salesman and entrepreneurs have asked this question:

    Is there a fail-prove marketing system I can use that will always work for me?

    Right now, at this moment, I think the answer is yes.

    It’s been working for me for the last 40+ years. I can’t see why it wouldn’t work for you for the next 40 years.

    I formulated the TROY™ marketing acronym in the middle of May 2004 in preparation for a speech to a few dozen students at a marketing conference.

    I wanted to explain the different marketing methods I have been using in my business, and I wanted to give my “formula” a NAME so the students would remember the steps.

    What I didn’t know at the time was that there was a big screen, blockbuster movie with the name TROY [with Brad Pitt] scheduled to be released on the same weekend I had to give my speech.

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    The students loved my speech, and the name stuck. I’ve used it a few times in speeches and writings since.

    The “R” in TROY stands for “relationship,” as you can see in the image below and it is the key here. I also wrote a small book on Relationship Marketing last year for our students to help them understand this.

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    Let me share with you what I have learned about relationship marketing in the last 40 years. Maybe you can use it too. I will do it in just a few paragraphs.

    There is no rocket science here.

    # It started with the idea of Direct Marketing (Back then, mail order marketing) more than 100 years ago. You can download the Frank Davis story at the link below.

    # It evolved into a term coined by Seth Godin in 1999: Permission Marketing (or Relationship Marketing)

    [NOTE: You will later learn how this evolution happened when you read the Frank E Davis fish company story - download it below]

    - The Frank E Davis Fish Company Story

    Today, many young business owners understand the concept of Direct Marketing, but only a few understand how it evolved into Permission Marketing.

    Most were not around when it did; even fewer truly understand the term marketing SALES FUNNELS.

    When I speak to young salesmen [usually those on companies’ pay-roles] about this, 90% of the time, they will say something like:

    I know all this. I do it every day.

    Well…let me share something with you that I find a bit embarrassing.

    A long time ago, I also thought I was as smart as these young salesmen - I did exactly the same thing…or so I thought.

    I did everything according to the book, but somehow, it didn’t work for me. Nothing worked out. I was frustrated and exhausted because of it.

    Until one day, I realized what I was doing wrong. It was so simple.

    The thing is, my “eyes” were not yet trained to see the mistakes I was making. This happens to all of us.

    I went back to the drawing board, read Seth Godin’s books again, and re-created a Permission Marketing sales funnel.

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    Permission marketing, according the Seth Godin, has four steps…here they are.

    1. Make a stranger a friend.
    2. Make a friend a consumer.
    3. Make a customer a loyal customer.
    4. Turn a loyal customer into a salesman [ambassador].

    Where to start?

    You start with the Sales Funnel.

    There are 100’s of varieties to this, so I am going to keep it simple.

    What you want are large numbers of people / businesses that can become potential clients for the products or services you offer.

    You want to “pour” all their names and details into the wide part of the funnel, so they can gently slide down to the narrow exit point.

    While they slowly and gently slide down the sales funnel, you will start to implement the TROY™ formula.

    You don’t want your potential clients to “escape” out of the funnel before they reach the exit point, although this will often happen.

    The goal, however, is that by the time they reach the exit point of your sales funnel, you want them (your prospects) to be new paying customers.

    EXAMPLE: - Let’s say a young dentist just opened his own new dental care practice. He needs patients. The question is, whose names should he “pour” into the sales funnel first?

    From my experience, I can tell that most new entrepreneurs (in this case, the dentist) will say: “I will only put people in the funnel who have a medical aid or enough money to pay me cash.”

    But when you use this system correctly, you want everyone with teeth in the sales funnel. Because people’s circumstances and needs change.

    But the REAL question is…How do you get people (prospects) into the Sales Funnel in the first place?

    We do this by using the AIDA Formula.

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    In short, we want to make “strangers friends, and friends customers” and “close the deal.”

    Here are the steps:

    With practice, you will learn how to grab your new prospect’s ATTENTION and get them into your sales funnel, and once they move down the sales funnel, the rest is easy.

    You will arouse their INTEREST as they slide down the funnel and then, at the perfect moment, you will create DESIRE, so your prospects will willingly take ACTION to buy your products and services.

    Let’s take the new dentist example above to illustrate what this means. On day ONE of opening his practice, the dentist has zero patients and no one to phone to come in for a check up. So, what would he do?

    ATTENTION: He will advertise in the local newspaper. He will write a Press Release to be published in the newspapers announcing his new practice in the area/town. He will do Interviews on the small local radio station to tell listeners about his practice and may even give some dental care advice.

    In other words, HE WILL CREATE ATTENTION. (A) But this type of attention does not go far enough. What he really needs is to get people (strangers) in his sales funnel. And the way to do this is to GIVE away something of value in return for a phone number, postal address, or email. For example: His ATTENTION campaign above could say something like. For the next 10 days, I will do dental checkups and teeth cleaning 100% FREE, or he can give away a booklet on do-it-yourself- Teeth Whitening in exchange for a phone number or email.

    INTEREST: With the email address of about 250 “strangers” he got from the attention campaign above, our dentist will start to “educate” his potential patients on Heath & Oral care via specifically crafted emails. He will make it interesting and exciting and will create credibility. He may even invite his new sales funnel group to a free morning tea and workshop or for a Saturday morning talk about baby oral care.

    Here, he can meet his new prospects personally. This will give him an opportunity to get MORE people into his sales funnel because he will ask people who come to the workshop to bring friends and family. The workshop, the emails, the morning coffees and teas, the oral care education etc. is all part of the process to CREATE INTEREST (I) in him as a person and as a dentist.

    DESIRE: By doing the above carefully and professionally, the dentists will soon have “strangers from his group” calling him to make dental appointments. In short, he would have created a DESIRE (D) in his group to have strong and healthy teeth. The people in his group would want to make an appointment with him and no one else because he created trust with them.

    ACTION: The moment they (a stranger) pick up the phone to make an appointment with the dentist, the AIDA sales funnel is completed. ACTION means buying a product or service and paying for it.

    There you have it. A step-by-step example of how the AIDA sales funnel in a real-life example works.

    But let’s just step back for a second. Let’s re-visit the 4 Permission Marketing steps and see how we integrated them into the sales funnel in the above dentist’s example.

    1. Make a stranger a friend. The dentist constantly made contact with the prospects (“strangers”) in his funnel by doing a workshop, sending emails, offering morning coffees and teas, doing oral care education until the STRANGERS were ready to take the next step.

    2. Make a friend a consumer. The moment the “stranger” made an appointment, he or she become a “friend.” In this case, a person becomes a patient (friend) when they pay for the service.

    3. Make a customer a loyal customer. If the dentist does his job well and impresses his patient with his skills and knowledge, his customer (patient) will come back the next time he or she needs dental work done.

    4. Turn a loyal customer into a salesman.
    If all goes well, the next step is not hard to do. The dentist will simply ask the loyal customer to recommend his services to friends or family. He may even give his loyal customers a few specially marked discount coupons to give to friends and family. At the same time, he can tell his loyal customers they can earn POINTS for every referral. For example: 25 points buy a free teeth-whitening treatment.

    So, there you have the Permission Marketing illustrated in an easy example.

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    What is next?

    The most difficult part of this system is to get people (“strangers”) into the sales funnel in the first place and to keep them there for a long enough time until they buy something to become a new customer.

    To do this, you will need to learn and understand the Secret of the TROY™ formula.

    It is very simple. Look at this:

    Each letter in TROY stands for….

    TRUST = You need to show and build TRUST with “potential prospects” to ensure that, when you ask them to take action, for example, to get into your next sales funnel, they will do so willingly because they already trust you.

    RELATIONSHIP = Once inside the funnel, you will try to build a RELATIONSHIP with each of your prospects. You will do the type of things the dentists did when he gave Oral & Health education etc.

    This booklet focuses on the why and how of relationship marketing. You will soon learn how to build it and how to maintain the relationship.

    OFFER = At the perfect moment, you will make an amazing, irresistible, hard-to-say-no OFFER to your prospects…an offer they simply can’t refuse….

    …because all you want is for them to say that FIRST YES.

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    When you get a YES, your prospect immediately becomes a customer, and it is easier to impress a customer than it is to impress a stranger.

    You impress customers when you can over-deliver on your promises to them.

    When you build a business based on this Relationship Marketing system, you will build your own tribe that will buy your products and services for as long as you allow them to do so.

    And when you build a TRIBE, you will build an empire.

    I hope by studying this article, it will show you the way.

    Thank You

    FROM: The SA Chamber of Entrepreneurs [SACE]

    PS: You should start your online marketing journey by listing your company on an online business directory - for example on a FREE platform like Foxlist. See below!

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  2. Thanks given for this post:

    IanF (20-May-18)

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