Good day,
Am having a problem importing CSV to Pastel Bank Managet,
This is the message i get "message string was not recognized as a valid datetime. pastel"
What might be the problem because i have checked my date is correct.
Thank you
Good day,
Am having a problem importing CSV to Pastel Bank Managet,
This is the message i get "message string was not recognized as a valid datetime. pastel"
What might be the problem because i have checked my date is correct.
Thank you
Good day,
I have the exact same problem.....
Don't know what to do....
Use DateTime.ParseExact.- Converts the specified string representation of a date and time to its DateTime equivalent using the specified format and culture-specific format information. The format of the string representation must match the specified format exactly. ParseExact and TryParseExact allows to use a custom format string.
DateTime date = DateTime.ParseExact(strDate, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
The IFormatProvider parameter specifies the culture to use to parse the date. Unless your string comes from the user, you should pass CultureInfo.InvariantCulture. If the string does come from the user, you should pass CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, which will use the settings that the user specified in Regional Options in Control Panel.
Good morning.
I think I have found the 'hack' that works for me.
I make sure the date collum is formatted to 'date - English (Australia).
Sometimes I still get this date error when I try to import the CSV file, then I have found that after saving the CSV, the changes revert back to 'general'. I have no idea why, or how to fix this as the settings continue to revert back after multiple attempts to resave.
So, then I take the date from the 'error giving CSV' and insert those date lines into a spreadsheet that I know does not give the error. I then make sure the date is in the correct format and delete the original un-needed data and resave. This seems to work and I am then able to import the data that I need.
Not a very scientific or IT answer, but it does seem to work.
Good luck !!
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