Hi there
I am currently using Pastel Xpress. We provide services for which each service has a reference number, in this case a "container number". Is there a function in Pastel Xpress which could allow me to link each customer invoice to a "container number", and then link that same container number to a supplier invoice to accurately keep track of the "containers" done for each customer, as well as the cost of each container to the various suppliers ?
For example, I invoice customer ABC for container number TGHU 1234567 - R1000
I then create a supplier invoice at a later time to supplier ABC for TGHU 1234567 - R500
A report would then generate reflecting that the "profit" for TGHU 1234567 is R500
Is there somethign which could perhaps be purchased to ingetrate with pastel, or is there perhaps a feature within Pastel that coudl allow this?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
thank you
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