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Thread: Vrae oor kommissie allenlik "salaris"

  1. #1
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    Exclamation Vrae oor kommissie allenlik "salaris"

    My seun werk vir 'n IT besigheid en is aangestel op 'n kommissie basis (geen vaste salaris nie).
    Hy is 18.04.2017 aangestel as Senior Sales Consultant met kommissie van 20% op total retail sales(TRS) en 10% op total bulk sales(TBS).
    1)Die besiheidheid trek koerierkoste en BTW af van die verkope, voordat hul sy kommissie uitwerk. Is dit reg?
    2)Op sy kontrak noem hul net die kommissie op Total Retail Sales en Total Bulk Sales - beteken dit dat die BTW afgetrek moet word voordat die
    TRS en TBS bedrag bepaal word? En die aftrekking van koerierkoste word nerens genoem nie.
    3)Ongeveer Oktober het hul gese dat hul 'n fout begaan het en sy kommissies verander.
    4)Dit is nou so: onder R100 000.00 10% TRS en 5% TBS.
    Oor R100 000.00 15% TRS en 7% TBS.
    Oor R200 000.00 20% TRS en 10% TBS.
    Mag 'n besigheid dit doen? Hy sukkel regtig nou om sy maandelikse aftrekking bv. woonstelhuur, polis en versekering te betaal.
    5) Die besiheid het toegemaak van 22 Desember tot 2de Januarie 2018 dus kon hy net kommissie verdien tot 22 Desember. Met die gevolg hy
    kon n paar sy maandelikse verpligtinge nie bekostig nie.
    6)Die R100 000.00 en R200 000.00 targets het BTW ingesluit - hul verander dit nou na verkope minus BTW = Target bedrag.
    6)As n persoon op 'n kommissie alleen basis aangestel is, kan die persoon dit nie bekostig om verlof te neem nie?

    Ek sal bitter bly wees indien u kan help met ons vrae voordat hy met sy werkgewer gaan gesels.

    Baie dankie.

    Louise Steenkamp

  2. #2
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    Not quite sure what you are saying but commission is payable of the figure excl. vat. Vat is totally separate.
    A company can pay only com.

  3. #3
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    Hi Livvy

    1. Sales will always exclude VAT. Both the "Target" and his sales achieved must exclude VAT.
    2. The employer cannot unilaterally change his service agreement. The agreement by implication is a record of what is agreed between the employer and employee and is to be re-negotiated every 12 months.
    3. The employee is entitled to paid annual leave. His payment in his case is at a rate of pay determined by his commission earned for the preceding 13 weeks. This provision cannot be "removed" by an employment agreement; it is guaranteed by the BCOE Act.

  4. Thanks given for this post:

    Livvy (05-Jan-18)

  5. #4
    New Member
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    Thank you Andromeda. You are a STAR!!

  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by HR Solutions View Post
    Not quite sure what you are saying but commission is payable of the figure excl. vat. Vat is totally separate.
    A company can pay only com.
    Sorry, I was afraid I was misunderstood in my deficient English Q: Can a company change(reduce) a persons commission structure? Q: If you are on a commssion only basis and the company close for 2 week in December - are you entitled to any compensasion? Q: Commission only basis - are you entitled to any paid annual leave. If so, how do the calculate it?

  7. #6
    Gold Member
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    Q: Commission only basis - are you entitled to any paid annual leave. If so, how do the calculate it?
    I have attached the Act for you. Sec 21(1)(b) and Sec 35(4) refers
    Amended Act - Basic Conditions of Employment.pdf

  8. Thanks given for this post:

    Livvy (06-Jan-18)

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