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Thread: The itch I can't scratch... What to do?

  1. #1
    Gold Member Mark Atkinson's Avatar
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    The itch I can't scratch... What to do?

    I recently read a post summarising Elon Musk's biography and noted that he exited one of his first companies for a payout of $22 million at age 27. I'm 27!

    Everytime I read something like this (there are dozens of examples) I can't help but feeling extremely frustrated with my own progress. I want to be making waves, innovating, driving change, doing awesome things, but instead I constantly feel like I am not doing as much as I should - that I am wasting my potential!

    The same thing happens as I read any Tim Ferris (or similar) book. It's not so much the content of the book - it's that I realise that he is impacting millions of lives and loving every minute.

    Does anybody else get this feeling? What do you do to scratch the itch?

    Of course, the rational part of my brain reminds me that as I write this, I am in Europe with the chance to explore new places, meet new people and experience different cultures. In the space of 3 months I have been in/will visit Sweden, Copenhagen, Prague, Paris and Iceland. How many people get that opportunity? Stop complaining, Mark!

    But still... How do I quiet the voice that quips "not good enough!" every day of my life?

  2. #2
    Diamond Member Justloadit's Avatar
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    I am 58 and feel worse
    I have had some success in the past, but nothing like Elon.

    From my past experience, one has to be lucky, and be at the right place and at the right time, and know the right people. If you have a gift of the gab it helps as well.
    If you listen to the people who have made it big, you will see an element of luck was part of the equation. Of course one also makes your own luck

    Countless ideas I have had, come to fruition 10 years later with other people, and I made absolutely no money on it, but spend countless hours and finance making the idea work. I found out that I was always too far in front of the headlights so to speak, that no none could see me, and that I spent countless hours explaining what we had done, and wanted to do. Effectively the conclusion I came to was that I spent my money and time educating the market, at my expense.

    So hang in there and keep probing, some time your number will come up
    Victor - Knowledge is a blessing or a curse, your current circumstances make you decide!
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  3. #3
    Gold Member Mark Atkinson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Justloadit View Post
    I am 58 and feel worse
    I have had some success in the past, but nothing like Elon.

    From my past experience, one has to be lucky, and be at the right place and at the right time, and know the right people. If you have a gift of the gab it helps as well.
    If you listen to the people who have made it big, you will see an element of luck was part of the equation. Of course one also makes your own luck

    Countless ideas I have had, come to fruition 10 years later with other people, and I made absolutely no money on it, but spend countless hours and finance making the idea work. I found out that I was always too far in front of the headlights so to speak, that no none could see me, and that I spent countless hours explaining what we had done, and wanted to do. Effectively the conclusion I came to was that I spent my money and time educating the market, at my expense.

    So hang in there and keep probing, some time your number will come up
    Surely it can't just be luck though? Elon, for example, has put in the hard yards with his nose in non-fiction books/encyclopedias from a very young age.

    Then again, if you've read Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers it does appear as though certain people are just perfectly positioned for success, with a whole lot of help from things outside of their control.

    I just refuse to believe that I can't control where I'm going and what I'm going to do, though.

  4. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Atkinson View Post
    I just refuse to believe that I can't control where I'm going and what I'm going to do, though.
    The movement of the ship is a combination of the way it sets its rudder as well as the current of the water it floats on.
    If you do the right things, you put yourself in fortune's way. Do it right for long enough and fortune is pretty sure to come.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Atkinson View Post
    How do I quiet the voice that quips "not good enough!" every day of my life?
    If what you are comparing yourself too is what you absolutely want, then you don't quiet the voice.
    My only suggestion on that front would be - are you absolutely certain that what you are bench-marking yourself against is what you want?
    Remember, there is no free lunch.

    I've conducted quite a few exit interviews where the comment from the other side of the table is "I want to be where you are now."
    Personally I don't regard that as being particularly ambitious, but that aside - In near every instance I know that they don't have the personal discipline to stay the course and pay the price.

    My life may look pretty good to some, but be in no doubt - there have been some massive sacrifices along the way.

  5. #5
    Diamond Member Justloadit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    My life may look pretty good to some, but be in no doubt - there have been some massive sacrifices along the way.
    and continues to maintain sacrifices, and new ones still on there way.
    Victor - Knowledge is a blessing or a curse, your current circumstances make you decide!
    Solar pumping, Solar Geyser & Solar Security lighting solutions -

  6. #6
    Gold Member Mark Atkinson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    The movement of the ship is a combination of the way it sets its rudder as well as the current of the water it floats on.
    I like that! Wise words.

    If what you are comparing yourself too is what you absolutely want, then you don't quiet the voice.
    My only suggestion on that front would be - are you absolutely certain that what you are bench-marking yourself against is what you want?
    Remember, there is no free lunch.
    I only use Elon as an example, of which there are many. Heck, there was even that guy who invented waterless "bathing" for rural inhabitants. I don't want to be Elon and I don't have any particular interest in those fields, but I am envious and awestruck by his impact. I have no issues making sacrifices when I am passionate about a project, but I suppose I have not found my "cause" yet? That which I am willing to pour my heart and soul into. I am constantly on the lookout for opportunities to get myself involved in, or ideas that I can run with, but nothing has stuck yet.

    Until then, I can only keep learning, keep building my network and keep hoping. I guess.

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