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Thread: Brett Jolly and his Spain-based fellows' scams

  1. #21
    Email problem Didditmiself's Avatar
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    None. I concluded that since it appears that it's only between two people (at this stage) who have a public disagreement, and that a spat such as this often ends up unresolved, it would be of little benefit to others if they keep throwing the muck at each other. But, that is only my opinion and in hindsight, I guess I don't really have justification to ask you censure anyone.

  2. #22
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    Privilege Wealth Management, PLC, and its affiliate Privilege Direct are engaged in a global investment fraud in offering investors 12% annual returns to invest in a "low risk," "insured" strategy of providing "cash" or "payday loans" to high-risk U.S. borrowers.
    If it is too good to be true why invest as there are too many frauds going around. Stay alert!!

  3. #23
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rachel18 View Post
    ...are engaged in a global investment fraud in offering investors 12% annual returns to invest in a "low risk," "insured" strategy of providing "cash" or "payday loans"...

    If it is too good to be true why invest as there are too many frauds going around. Stay alert!!
    Can a return of 12% per annum in the payday loan industry be dismissed as "too good to be true"?
    The interest rate and admin fees charged by payday loan companies are truly eye-watering.

  4. #24
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    "The biggest source of investment for the Privilege Wealth Group today broke the news to its investors that it is massively insolvent due to fraud and mismanagement.

    In a letter to its investors, Gibraltar-domiciled Privilege Wealth One Limited Partnership disclosed that the British arm of the group that owes it $38 million - Privilege Wealth Plc - has defaulted on its debt, gone into administration, and will eventually go into liquidation. The administrators are Stephen Katz, of David Rubin & Partners, and John Kelmanson, of Kelmanson Insolvency Solutions.

    The $38 million owed to PW One LP is in addition to what PW Plc owes to Luxembourg-domiciled Helix Securitisation Fund, which OffshoreAlert understands invested more than $7 million in the scheme, meaning the Privilege Wealth Group's total insolvency is likely to exceed $45 million.

    Today's letter to investors by Gibraltar-domiciled Privilege Wealth Management Ltd., as general partner of PW One LP, was unsigned but the author described themselves as "Managing Director" of PWML and a "Past Director" of PW Plc, which indicates that it is either Andrew Sweeney, 50, or Mark Munnelly, 33.

    In the letter, PW One LP investors are asked to support a "restructuring proposal" that will "give investors the chance to recoup all of their capital over a 3, 4 or 5-year time horizon". The proposal involves PW One LP novating its claims against the Plc "to a newly informed US based LLP" that will receive any funds paid out by PW Plc and either "re-invest those funds into fresh US assets" or "distribute those funds to existing investors".

    Given that, as OffshoreAlert previously disclosed, Privilege Wealth Group was operated as a fraud from the outset, the proposal appears to be an attempt to, at best, string investors along and, at worst, continue the fraud by asking them at a later date to invest more money."
    -Cited from Offshorealert

    These scammers apparently haven't collected enough victims and their objective is always to get more victims and to put more money in their own pockets.

  5. #25
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    Brett Jolly has always been trying to draw victims' attention to his accomplices of Privilege Wealth and PW itself. However, victims should be aware and remember that Brett Jolly is the key person behind all those scams. Those who were / are tied to Privilege Wealth have created numerous companies- to continue the scam of "Payday loan investment " designed and guided by Brett Jolly.

  6. #26
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sylviasylvia View Post
    However, victims should be aware and remember that Brett Jolly is the key person behind all those scams.
    Please present proof of that allegation.

  7. #27
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    Please check the reports of Mr Hetherington on Jolly:

    Also the reports of Mr Marchant:

    They all tell the truth.

  8. #28
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    Wrong on every count

    1. All the stories are based on David Marchants original story on Offshore Alert.

    2. Mr Marchant was taken to the High Court in London for libel and defamation. He lost his case and damages were awarded against him.

    3. Hetherington and Olive Press (the owner of one of the newspapers) have simply copied the same articles.

    4. I have visited Olive Press shown them the documentary proof of the FACTS around my involvement, and they immediate printed an apology and retraction.

    5. I have never denied raising funds for Privilege Wealth, and a great deal of people have lost a lot of money. I also placed three quarters of a million dollars with them of my own money ( proveanle through audit and bank statement).

    6. Unlike you EVERY item I quote is 100% proven with signed and witnessed documentation going back years.

    7. Lastly, and much more importantly, you decided to invest via a company called Dasco/Anafin not me. I never knew you, knew of you, spoke to you, or convinced you to invest. You did all of that via somebody else. I therefore wasn’t involved and earned no commission on your investment.

    8. I have offered to send you.... or to share on this forum all documents including my years of letters to the company warning them that they are straying into dangerous waters, and alerting them that one of the people with access to the funds was on forged identity docs and passports, and had a Interpol warrant out for his arrest. I sent these letters (signed for) to the Chsirman of Privilege Wealth BEFORE the last EGM and he chose to do NOTHING about it, despite the incontrovertible proof and evidence I supplied him with. In the circumstances I could not do more to alert the company.

    A police report has been filed with the Serious Commercial Crime squad, and I have offered to walk into to any U.K. police station with you to help you in your case.

    Yes is sad losing a few tens of thousands, but try losing $750k, I loaned the company the money as they could not pay their payroll and they enters into a security agreement whereupon ALL asset of the company were ceded to me in default. Little did I know they were worthless.

    Fraud is a very simple case to prosecute..... you follow the money and find out who has it.

  9. #29
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    Secondly, IF as you say I have defrauded you, you OBVIOUSLY must have some correspondence from me, or a business card, a letter? or an email from the company under my name, or,,,, did we meet and did I convince you? How do you propose I got you to invest?

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brett Jolly View Post
    Secondly, IF as you say I have defrauded you, you OBVIOUSLY must have some correspondence from me, or a business card, a letter? or an email from the company under my name, or,,,, did we meet and did I convince you? How do you propose I got you to invest?

    You have defrauded EVERY victim of Privilege Wealth and many of them are aware of this.

    Mr Marchant and Mr Hetherington tell the TRUTH. They have solid proofs to prove what they have written.

    We don't need you to walk in the police with us, we know where to go and whom to contact. Plus, no one believes that you want to leave your paradise and go back to England.

    Regarding to the High Court... ... is that to prove that Privilege Wealth is a good company which takes care of the investors and their money? Then... Chris Burton- the operation manager of call center of Privilege Wealth in Panama - was shot in Panama. He was found to be a Spanish escaped criminal with a fake passport with him. PW is a mess- there is only debt- there is no one cent left for the investors. The 2 left directors could never be contacted since 11 months ( for some other investors, it is more than 1 year). You are banned for being a director in UK for 11 years... While you talk about the High Court, you seem to forget to talk about these important facts.

    Anyone doesn't know what happens, please check the reports of offshorealert and of Mr Hetherington.

    To those who are not victims of Privilege Wealth- anyone approaches you with "PAYDAY LOAN INVESTMENT",especially those who were/are tied to Privilege Wealth, say NO!

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