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Thread: My showerthought for the day

  1. #1
    Diamond Member
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    Unhappy My showerthought for the day

    I realized today that I am really old. When we are young we believe that our kids are full of potential and that we are able to mold them into the purpose driven well balanced individuals that we would have loved to be ourselves (looking back over our misspent lives)..... Then it dawned on me in a flash of (not wisdom but rather shock) that like my own dads had to, we realize that our kids are actually just as stupid as we were when we were their age. We see them making the same mistakes as we did and we watch them bump their heads no matter what we say or do. I've come to realize that our primary role as parents is to guide them to the best of our abilities and our secondary role as parents is to just shake our heads, pick up the pieces and hope that their heads don't hurt too much from being bumped once again...

  2. #2
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    Not just your kids, it's a major flaw of the entire human race not being able to learn from the mistakes of others. History just goes around in circles.


  3. #3
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    We keep hearing about the human race being civilised and technologically advanced but in reality the occupants of this world are no different to those from thousands of years ago.
    Learning power seems to be going backwards, thought processes lack more logic than ever before.
    In a world where we believe we have never had so many communication tools, there is so little communication.
    Where we believe the majority of the population have ethics and are in good standing, the opposite seems to be the case.
    So many wars and conflict zones in a space where we believe this should be a thing of the past.
    When we know the conspiracy theories are now true and we are being taken for fools at every turn, we just carry on regardless and ignore them.
    When we still don't know whether butter or margarine is good for us.............and so it goes.

    Bumping Heads seems to sum it up well.
    If you believe in karma - you are coming round again to experience more of the same.
    Money and Land rules....oh and so does the Highlander - The motto there is "There can be only one"
    The rest of us (well politician gangsters and corporate corrupters at least) seem to be on the same mission - we just don't know it.
    The cost of living hasn't affected its popularity.
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  4. #4
    Diamond Member
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    Our problem is not that people are stupid per se. It is that we live in a world of distraction. People are unable to focus and persevere because we believe in the big consumerist machine that has to keep on churning at an ever increasing speed. Credit and instant gratification enables people to "have now" that that they cannot afford, deserve nor have worked for. We live in a superficial world driven by a constant low level steam of dopamine coursing through our veins powered by small does of instant gratification based in social media and credit based purchases. We no longer enjoy the holiday, we spend our time taking pictures of ourselves enjoying the holiday so that we are able to get the little dopamine rush each time we get a like of the picture on Facebook - our pictures have become like low level porn in that we gain excitement from the exhibition thereof.

    If my kids spent 10% as much time in the real world as the do in the virtual world of social media, YouTube and other superficial distractions they would be able to earn themselves a very good education. Unfortunately reality is no longer relevant in our society, all that matters is the self gratification gained from the low level exhibitionist porn like images and stuff that we post on social media to delude ourselves into thinking that we are better off than others.

    I use the word "porn" not in the sexual sense but rather in the sense of gaining pleasure from exhibitionism be it our own or that of others (like the idea of food porn etc)

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