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Thread: Starting a business

  1. #1
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    Starting a business

    Hi Everyone,

    The other day I joined a webinar about E-mail marketing and I thought of it as a good idea to start my own business doing marketing for online stores. I was just wondering if I were to start this business what would I require, do I need to register the business and if so how? I'm interested in what laws are associated with this type of business.

    Thank you

  2. #2
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    There is quite a lot of info on this site about exactly what you are asking about ...... might be an idea to search for it - it is quite useful.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by HennieVenter3 View Post
    Hi Everyone,

    The other day I joined a webinar about E-mail marketing and I thought of it as a good idea to start my own business doing marketing for online stores. I was just wondering if I were to start this business what would I require, do I need to register the business and if so how? I'm interested in what laws are associated with this type of business.

    Thank you
    This might be of use to you:

    And then from a marketing perspective (not all of these are necessary, but it gives you some idea of what is out there)

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  4. #4
    Email problem SACE's Avatar
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    Hi Hennie,

    Hennie You Are Right
    : Local Business Owners in South Africa still need to make a transition from advertising off-line to advertising online so that people who want to hire them can find them WITHOUT a old yellow pages book. Onloine marketing is the way to go BUT read this post - before you do anything else - this job is not for everyone!

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Image-of-old-yellow-Page-Books_SACE.jpg 
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    [A Local Business Owner is the Plumber, Car Dealer, Dentist, Lawyer, Painter, Building Contractor, Hair Salon, Pizza Place and even the Pool Cleaner and Dog Walker in the area were you live. (It is basically every small business)]

    It is also true: one of the biggest challenges and needs for Local Business Owners today is to have clients knocking on their doors constantly 24/7.

    Unfortunately what happens is that when things go well in a business, and we get busy, marketing and lead generation is left behind and moved to the side…

    …until the next time we wake up one morning and realize that we don’t have any new clients, or work or any leads.

    It happens to all of us.

    The smartest way to make sure that we as business owners never get caught in this situation is to always make sure we have a reasonable size list of fresh leads available at our finger tips – with the focus on fresh.

    Fresh leads are hot leads …right?

    So how do we do that?

    It is a process called Targeted List Building.

    It is not hard to do but to do it right you need a special system that can build a list of targeted leads for you while you sleep - 24 hours a day – 7 days a week – on auto pilot.

    Now there is a right way and a wrong way to do this.


    The only type of marketing system that works perfectly for Targeted List Building is a system called: Permission Marketing.

    Now – Permission Marketing is a very powerful system IF you know what you are doing.

    Do it wrong and you will waste you time and money – but even worse – you will make enemies instead of friends.

    HOWEVER – do it right and it allows you to generate fresh leads for your business faster and smarter than anything else – bar none.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	SACE-Marketing-sa-chamber.jpg 
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ID:	6883

    TIP: Write this down: it’s just 4 lines.

    Permission Marketing has basically four (4) steps:

    Step 1: Make A Stranger A Friend
    Step 2: Make A Friend A Customer
    Step 3: Make A Customer A Loyal Customer
    Step 4: Make A Loyal Customer Your Ambassador or Salesman

    Let me first say the following before I move on:

    The opposite of Permission Marketing is INTERRUPTION MARKETING. For example, it is when your favorite TV program is interrupted with an ad.

    Or your working day is interrupted with phone calls with a voice on the other side trying to sell you something. Something you didn’t ask for and something you don’t want.

    It is also called Cold Calling. I am sure you know what I am talking about.

    But it gets worse – maybe you have heard this before.

    You pick up the phone and a pre-recorded voice starts speaking in your ear telling you to buy some magic widget.

    How crazy is that?

    It is interruption at its highest level – it is rude – it is unprofessional and frankly – I think so called marketing experts that advice their clients to do something like this should get there heads soaked.

    It is BAD on all levels – and worse of all – companies that do this will soon realize that they do more harm to their own BRAND than good.

    ***Course on Permission Marketing To Be Continued....

    Hennie, my point is this….

    IF you like what you have read so-far and you understand at lest 50% of what all this means, [very few people do] then by all means - follow your dreams and start your own business to help others market their products and services!

    BUT KNOW THIS: You are going to need help - this is not a business that any dick-tom-and-harry can start on his own.

    Here is my suggestion:

    Visit the link below and download the free INFO PACK. It is brilliant and EXACTLY what you need.

    ***Lastly: Watch the MARKETING Form here on this platform: We will be publishing a new 4-part course on Permission Marketing and Sales Funnels very soon.

    Good Luck!

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