one of my customers called me a couple of weeks ago to query a quote for COC repairs...he faxed the quote to me and asked if the quote was reasonable and if the items listed were valid...i read through it and answered he gave the contractor the go ahead...the house gets tested the coc is issued and the house is sold and he pays the contractor...he buys a flat and the same contractor is doing the coc and repairs...the contractor gives the estate agent the list of repairs gets paid and hands over the coc.
the customer calls me about his new flat because he cant plug his computer into the wall plug socket because it was painted i say to him maybe the plug was painted over after the coc was issued...anyway i decide to go out and see what is going on...well the new flat has not had the repairs done as per the list and ever time you the contractor his wife tells the customer that he will be attending to it soon well are still waiting...i dont know how the contractor did the coc to start with because you cant put plugs into the sockets because most of them painted closed.
so now we decide to go back to his old house to check if the repairs were done there...all i have to say is now i know why the contractor has gone from driving an old rusted beetle doing coc as a part time job after work to owning his own company and now driving a double cab 4x4 in a couple of months.
i personally believe the certificate of compliance is a means to making estate agents quick pocket money from all the kick backs they get back from the contractors and get rich quick scheme for electrical contractors who do them.
i also think nobody wants to take on the task of investigating these issues because it is tooooo big a problem already...the eca say it is not there responsibilty and will tell you to contact the contractor responsible to fix it yourself... the ecb say they just register the contractors... the deptment of labour say they dont have man power...and other private organisations like wendy knowler and co have just never responded to my email...but i also personally dont think they could handle this massive country wide problem.
anyone want cheap coc's we dont even come to site and it will only cost you R500 this months special because i know there is no policing body so lets go wild....ooooops i forgot there is the AIA well i am not gona start with them.
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