I am stumped, +-8m piece of 2+E surfix, in trunking (or out, it does not make a difference), to extend a plug 8m on. The surfix meggers clean between all 3 cores. Both ends all three cores (L,N+E)of the loose new surfix are separated. No nicks where I stripped isolation.
The existing plug tests clean. Live to N 230v, N to E 0v and Live to Earth 230v. Earth leakage trip normal with ramp tester.
When I connect the Live (red) of the surfix to the Live wire of the plug, (with plug socket removed)and measure between the earth wire of the piece of isolated surfix and the earth wire of the existing plug I get 80v. Between L of the new Surfix and Earth of the existing plug 230v, N from new surfix to Earth at plug 0v.
I don't get it. I don't even have a closed circuit for the fluke to register any measurement. There is no closed circuit in the 2+E surfix to draw a current and induce a voltage in that earth wire. Its open at both ends.
It should be, if I am correct, insulation breakdown between L and E of the new surfx, but why does it measure clean with 2 different meggers?
Moisture in surfix? High Impedance instruments? Induction? EMF? Incoming earth deterioration? Did i open up a wormhole in space?
If I don't get my head around this I am giving back my trade test papers and my wiremans license.
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