Busy filing my UIF return on uFiling and "Surprise!" - an employer and employee contribution payment totaling R354.24 is expected for folk earning R20k a month.
I didn't expect.
My payroll program didn't expect.
It seems even SAICA didn't expect it - their document here has this to say on the topic:
Increase of the Scale of Benefits
The Minister of Labour has gazetted an increase to the UIF benefits payable, which relates to unemployment benefits in terms of the Unemployment Insurance Act, 2001 (Act no 63 of 2001).
Accordingly the scale of benefits referred to in Government Notice No. 588 has been amended and as of 1 April 2017the UIF earnings limit has been increased from R178 464 per annum to R212 539 per annum (or R14 872 per month to R17 712 per month).
This mentioned notice does not relate to the monthly contributions to be paid by employees and employers and there was no change to the monthly contributions payable by employees and employers.
Here is the link to the Government Gazette notice:
A Google search has turned up only one person who seemed to see the notice as implying an increase in contributions too - Signates on My Broadband.
The effective date would seem to have been 1st April 2017.
I've checked, and uFiling treated the April and May submissions as having an employer and employee contribution ceiling of R297.44.
Seems someone has got it wrong!!
Anyone know what the correct story is?
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