Morning all,
I got divorced over 2 years ago and the settlement was that she would retain the house and all contents except for my personal stuff and a few odds and sods,
she was to pay me out two fairly large amounts, the first one being immediatly on divorce and the second one year later.whereupon the property could be transferred into her name.
the property is a middle class home with two income producing flats which more than covers the bond.
Problem is , I have yet to recieve one cent, she just refuses to pay, saying she doesnt qualify for a bond, and also refuses to sell the house.
i have been to a lawyer and have renegotiated a second time frame, again nothing gets paid, went to lawyer again and renegotiated , this time with her lawyer present and they asked for a further 8 months extension, told them this needs some thought and after a week i phoned my lawyer and offered 3 months.
my lawyer sent her and her lawyer a instruction to draw up an agreement to be sighned , this was 6 weeks agoand still nothing happens.
So now WHAT TO DO,
One of the flats is vacant at the moment , can I get a tenant to occupy the flat and get rent from it, seeing as the house is still 50 % mine.?
Can I move into the flat myself and make an utter nuicance of myself. and just in general make it difficult for her , NOT sure what my present partner would say about that, but thats something I will deal with.
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