I think this is the best forum to ask this question as the people here have real experience of living under an apartheid regime.
So here goes (reality of 2017) ....
In a SE Asian country, the country is ruled by Race A (55% of population). Another 10% were other indigenious people. The Chinese (25%) and Indians (15%) were brought into this country by British Imperialist in 1950 to build this country.
After the British granted independence to this country in 1957, Race A were asked to share the ruling of the country with the local Chinese and Indians. This did not happen.
Now in this country,
a. Tax payers are Chinese (85%), Indian (10%) and Race A(5%).
b. Civil servants are Race A (93%), Indian (5%) and Chinese (2%).
c. Local universities for Race A only - foc. Chinese & Indian have to self pay to overseas universities.
d. Any companies that want public listing in this country must issue 30% of its share to Race A.
Is this apartheid ?
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