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Thread: Buying second hand Vehicle from Director - Journals

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Buying second hand Vehicle from Director - Journals

    Hello everyone,

    Our company's Director wants to sell his single cab bakkie, the business wants to but it from him. The market value is R 200 000 so well buy it for that amount.
    The Bakkie is still under finance from Std bank with outstanding amount to be R 138 000.00 as it stands now.

    The Director owes money on his "loan account also" my question is what would be the correct way to record this transaction?

    Dr Vehicles @Cost R 200 000.00
    Cr Peter (supplier) R 200 000.00 (I take it I need to set the Director up as a supplier)

    Dr Peter (supplier) R 138 000.00 (this is when settlement takes place with Std bank)
    Cr Bank R 138 000.00

    Dr Peter (supplier) R 62 000.00 (the balance owing to offset against his Loan account)
    Cr Peter Loan R 62 000.00

    Please could someone tell me if this is correct ? I don't want to make a mistake with

  2. #2
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    Provided Peter is the director then yes, that seems correct. However I would in the 1st entry credit his loan and in the 2nd entry debit his loan. Then 3 is unnecessary and the whole thing is more correct (the director is not a supplier).

    If the company is vat registered then complete a VAT264 so that the company can claim the R24,561 included in the price.

  3. Thanks given for this post:

    mango (24-Apr-17)

  4. #3
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    Thank you makes sense to only do the 2 journals...

    Could you please tell me why we would be able to claim VAT on this? This is in the directors personal name and the business buying is indeed VAT registered?

  5. #4
    Gold Member
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    Hi Mango

    Because the non-vendor, in this case the director, paid input VAT; in other words the price to the company includes VAT. As longs as the vehicle concerned is not classed aa a passenger vehicle.

  6. #5
    Bronze Member msmoorad's Avatar
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    i did not want to start a new thread to ask my question & ive chosen this thread bcos it seems to be somewhat related.

    will a bank finance a second hand vehicle- lets say the vehicle is almost 10 yrs old- a Nissan 1400 bakkie 2008 model?
    its being sold for R45 000 at a used car dealer.
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