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Thread: Family responsibility leave

  1. #1
    Email problem
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    Family responsibility leave


    i looked at two website and both give me different days

    This website says 5 days:

    This website says 3 days:

    Which one is correct?

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Both are the same link. However, the link you give is a sectoral determination for the private security industry which I see stipulates 5 days paid family responsibility leave (some fine print applies).

    Section 27 of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act stipulates 3 days paid family responsibility leave for the employees it regulates (some fine print applies).
    Then there are other sectoral determinations and collective agreements that are sure to all specify paid family responsibility leave minimums ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Zamir View Post
    Which one is correct?
    Depends which is applicable to the employer and employee.

    What is the business of the employer?
    What is the employment activity of the employee?
    What is the employee's remuneration?
    Sometimes even the location of the workplace matters - so what is the location of the workplace?

    These are all factors that affect which collective agreement, ministerial sectoral determination, Basic Conditions of Employment Act requirement or none of the aforementioned apply.

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