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Thread: Down lights dimming continuously on its own

  1. #1
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    Down lights dimming continuously on its own


    Today at work some down light (220v) were continuously dimming and "undimming" on their own. We tried 3 diff dimmers (1 from my car, 2 from the shop), changing the switch modules, changing the lamps (220v dimable) lamps but nothing stopped the lights from dimming except from switching light off at the DB.
    As a temp fix we have removed the dimmer and made it a normal switching switch (light work 100% now), but the client wants them dimable.

    Does anyone have any ideas on what i could do to fix this issue or any ideas on what the issue could be caused by?

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    What type of dimmers, rotary 2-wire modules,3-wire / 4-wire tactile? Leading or trailing edge? What is the circuit layout ie single way, 2-way switching? What types of lamps, LED's, CFL's, incandescents or a mixture? What is the lighting load in watts? Whats the dimmer/s rating? Apologies, lots of questions.


  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndyD View Post
    What type of dimmers, rotary 2-wire modules,3-wire / 4-wire tactile? Leading or trailing edge? What is the circuit layout ie single way, 2-way switching? What types of lamps, LED's, CFL's, incandescents or a mixture? What is the lighting load in watts? Whats the dimmer/s rating? Apologies, lots of questions.
    Thank you for your reply.
    We were able to find out the issue. We used a diff type of dimmer. (looks like a normal 12v dimmer but its for 220v and yellow)
    Thank you again

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