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Thread: Inventory

  1. #1
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    Hello All, I have never worked with inventory before and have no cooking clue what to do. I am currently using pastel xpress.
    I have been given a bunch of books as a donation which we intend to sell at our next fund raiser.
    where on pastel do I go to capture all these books I have received. I would like to capture them by title & author name and the value of the books, when we do sell them at our next fundraiser, how do I capture the ones that I sold?

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SamTitus View Post
    I would like to capture them by title & author name and the value of the books

    Quote Originally Posted by SamTitus View Post
    when we do sell them at our next fundraiser, how do I capture the ones that I sold?
    If you've never seen the need to manage stock in your accounting software before, I gently suggest this isn't reason enough on its own to start now.

    Being donated, the acquisition cost of the books is zero. If you intend to sell them in the short term, by all means price them - but I recommend not claiming "value" in your financial accounts until they are sold.

    (Sorry for butting in. I know you were just looking for the mechanics, but I couldn't ignore the probability that you were creating an entirely avoidable rod for your own back for no good reason).

  3. #3
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    thank you for replying to me, lol No butting in, please I welcome any advice you can give me. I want to understand this section and do it right from the word go.
    Please can you advice how I must keep record of all nonmonetary donations received and sold (at the moment I am capturing it on excel)

  4. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Using an invoice line item called "Sale of donated goods" or something along those lines to track the sales income as it is realised would seem the simplest solution.

    Of course there may be good reason to add additional complexity. I just suggest you only add complexity if and as it is actually required.

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