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Thread: WCC Registration for Au Pair / Child Care Worker

  1. #1
    Silver Member Christel's Avatar
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    WCC Registration for Au Pair / Child Care Worker

    Hi there,
    Is it required by law to register for WCC if you only employ an au pair?
    I know domestic workers are excluded from the COIDA act...
    I've searched the internet, but cannot get a clear answer.

    always fear when Christel is near....

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Thinking about it, there's a whole range in the "personal domestic direct employment" space - gardener, personal nurse caring for an invalids/the infirm, butler, cook, chef...

    I recall we had previously established that the gardener fell into the "domestic worker" space. Where is the line drawn?

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