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Thread: General plumbing / electrical / training rates question

  1. #1
    Diamond Member
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    General plumbing / electrical / training rates question

    I am venturing into the realm of providing support services for a number for specific machines and then also providing training on those machines. I am trying to get a feel for general hourly rates and call out fees to use as a starting point to work from. No I am not doing electrical or plumbing work. I have an opportunity to also put in monthly service contracts in place and I would like to make sure that I make good money from it.

    The questions are:
    1. What is the acceptable call out fee range?
    2. What about traveling costs?
    3. Are the call out fees different after hours - (price range)?
    4. Does the call out fee cover a specific number of hours?
    5. If the call out covers a specific number of hours what are the rates from there on if the job requires more time?
    6. What would be a fair hourly rate for preventative maintenance?

  2. #2
    Diamond Member Justloadit's Avatar
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    It depends on the value of the service that the customer feels it is worth.

    If I have urgent orders in the system, and my machine is down, and I have no idea what to do to get it running again, what will I pay to get it repaired?

    The questions you have asked are related directly to YOU!
    If there is no such service out there, then you must pick a price that you feel is what you are valued at and are comfortable charging.

    Traveling cost must be paid by client, whilst you are traveling, to site and back to home base, you do not earn an income even though you are very skilled, so traveling time is paid for.
    After hours call out should be double of you standard call out fee.
    If it is an out of town call, then accommodation must also be charged for, and of course transport to get there, could be a plane ride.
    There is usually a minimum of one hour fee irrespective of how long it took to solve the problem. There after the rate could be the same or change.
    The chap that comes and does our machine (not a laser but never the less a CNC) charges R750 an hour from the moment he leaves his premises. Hope this helps.
    Victor - Knowledge is a blessing or a curse, your current circumstances make you decide!
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  3. #3
    Diamond Member
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    I sent you a PM with the full details of the situation.

  4. #4
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    I don't charge call out or travel or mileage but I charge an hourly rate for the first hour then a lower rate for every hour after that. I don't split the first or second hour but round to the nearest half hour after that.

    If the job is more than 50km from the office then I just work out a sensible charge to cover the extra time and expense and agree it in advance with the customer.


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